Chapter 35: Forgotten root

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After spending a whole week confined inside the Akashi mansion without stepping a foot outside- not even for college and my work- my brain finally snapped.
And escaping the Akashi mansion was not a easy task and going into the details now will be even more exhausting for me. The entire little adventure of mine tested my experience and knowledge about the household once again and in the end, I was successful. I finally escaped.

I contemplated on what Akashi would do once he finds out about my eloping which he probably did by now, and instead of being nervous, I grinned in contempt.

'Serves that controlling midget right...'

Good thing my phone was broken.

It felt strange to come to the Sherry's Café as a customer, not as a worker while I sat by the glass window and sipped on my mocha. There weren't much customers today in the café. Shu wasn't working now since his shift starts around two hours later, at 2 AM but I met the other workers at the café. I apologised to Mrs Nakamoto for my sudden absence and she just waved me off saying that it was okay since I never took a day off before. Tsunada said she wanted to catch up with me so here I was, sitting and sipping on my warm cup of coffee and waiting for her.

"Sorry for making you wait, Ena-chan." Tsunada came in front of me, wiping her hands off with a tissue paper and sat across me with a smile.

"How are you?" I asked smiling back.

"Well, I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday, broke my favorite glass this morning and lost my keys. Everything is hell so far." She answered with a scowl aa discarded the tissue paper on the nearest trash can.

I chuckled. "Well, I broke my phone too if it's any comfort to you. And the dumb guy probably doesn't know what he has lost." I smiled at her softly.

Instead of smiling back, she looked me directly in the eyes intensely, her expression unfathomable. "I know right."

I raised my brows.

Then she shook her head as if she snapped out of the trance. "Sorry. Just not in a good mood."

"Yea, I can see that."

She was silent.

"Do you want to talk about it, Tsunada?"

She shook her head.

"Okay, then." I sipped on my cup and looked outside. It wasn't my nature to pry into someone else's life when they clearly didn't want me to.

After a minute or two, Tsunada finally gathered herself and ordered herself a green tea.

"Enough about me." She smiled at me. "You said you had something you wanted to share, right?"

I looked at her face and contemplated on whether I should tell her about the threats and all. I still haven't told Shu, that was because I still haven't met him yet. Besides, I think I should let these people know since I work with them and I didn't want any danger come to them because of me. They could take precautions.

I let out a heavy sigh. "It's a long story."

Then I told her everything about all the incidents that happened with me in the last few days. The car accident, the chandelier and lastly the threatening text on my phone. I skipped out the parts with Akashi since that matter was too private and she wasn't that close to me.

Tsunada didn't ask a single question the entire time and listened to me intently, her eyes pinned on me.

"Have you informed the police yet?" She asked, a bit nervously.

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