Chapter 26: Invitation

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"How did you get my number?" I asked calmly. I didn't let my sudden suspicions towards this girl affect me instantly.

"Ooh, I have my ways~" She said in a chirpy voice and my frown couldn't help but get deeper.

"Okay... so, what's up?" I tried to ask casually. She was not necessarily a friend of mine as she's the girlfriend of my ex husband, still I had to keep up the polite pretence.

"I'm good. Are you busy right now?"

I looked at Shu for a moment then said, "No."

"I just called to tell you that tomorrow is my birthday so my family is throwing a biggg party~. Since you're a acquaintance of Sei-kun and a friend of mine, I want to invite you and your boyfriend to the party. Ah, if you are not busy tomorrow."

'Now, who's my boyfriend again? Ah, right, Shu was my pretend boyfriend...'

My eyes narrowed slightly. Why was she inviting me? Were we that close in the first place? It's not possible that she's literally that naive, or was she?

"I've... no plans tomorrow since its Sunday..." I was hesitating. Going to this party means meeting Akashi and not only him but with Aihana clinging beside him. Even though there were no attachments remaining between us, I still wasn't very used to with his presence especially with his dumbhead of a girlfriend.

Maybe noticing the scowl on my face, Shu looked at me curiously though didn't ask me anything.

"I guess, I can... come."

"Great!~" She chirped in her usual shrilly voice and I cringed. "Don't forget to bring Shu-san too!~"

Then the call ended. Shu looked at me, searching my face for a plausible explanation. I looked outside of the window, the raining has stopped leaving behind a drenched environment and moist, greenish smell lingering in the air.

"Looks like the rain has stopped." I mused looking at the dark night sky. "Now, get out of my house. And,"

Shu looked at me surprised and I smiled.

"I think we've got an invitation to a party. You're free tomorrow?"


"This is what you called a party?" Shu asked me calmly but I could sense his bitter sarcasm from a mile away. "Yesterday when you said party, I thought we're going to a club or something as in a real party but you actually brought me in a place like this."

I ignored him and looked at the party before us. And I realized the reason behind his irritation was absolutely justified.

It was one of those fancy parties we see in the movies but never actually see in real life.

The whole mansion was decorated in a superfluous manner. Everything was so gorgeous and eye catching as if the main reason behind the party was flaunting their riches and wealth in front of everyone not celebrating someone's birthday. The long dining table at one side was filled with delicious food though everyone around there were only picking at their food as of they weren't interested.
People were wearing expensive designer clothes, jewels, plastering a sugary fake smile on their faces which was caked up with make ups.

I felt nauseous just by looking at it.

It's not like this was my first time on a party like this; back then when I was still a married 'happy' woman, I used to go to these sort of parties with Akashi. I never liked these parties from the very begining. All the people who comes here were freakingly fake and only cares about themselves and their businesses. They don't hesitate do anything to save their own ass.

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