Chapter 19: Hidden emotions

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"Yes! You're definitely working without a freakin' plan, you idiot!" I whispered in his ear, fuming in anger.

Apparently, the girlfriend of my divorced husband led me and my so-called boyfriend Shu to a fancy restaurant for this double date. She even said that this was not the end. She had her big surprise for the end of the day.

I scoffed at her enthusiasm. If only I could tell her the truth behind us. Then it would be like spilling a bucket of ice cold water on her stupid excitement.

However, in a way, I did feel a little bad for her. Like how she was so desperate for Akashi's love and attention, how she tried harder and harder being the one in his eyes. I didn't know if she had any hidden schemes behind her works, but she seemed too blockhead of a girl to me to plan any wicked plot in the first place. Besides, this girl was dating Akashi. If she did have an ulterior motive behind her actions, Akashi would've figured it by now.

She was way too smitten with him. And was way too young and naive.

I looked down at my plate of spaghetti placed in front of me. We came to this fancy posh restaurant for this stupid double date. Shu was sitting beside me, Akashi was right in front of me and Aihana was sitting beside Akashi. Perfect setting, I know. Specially planned by my miserable luck.

The rich smell of olive oil and juicy tomato sauce went through my nostrils as it brought water in my mouth. I was polite enough to wait for everyone to start eating so that I can start devouring my heavenly food too, but things weren't quite working out as I wanted.

They were talking. Conversation to know each other better, my ass.

"So, Shu-kun~" Aihana chirped. "How long since you guys are dating?"

I heaved a deep sigh. Here it goes...

"I think it's been... tw--three weeks... I guess." Shu said, scratching his head. I wanted to smack his head so bad that my hands started itching.

"You guess?" Akashi raised a brow. "Interesting choice of words."

"And how long you two have been dating?" I retorted back, not caring anymore if anyone was eating as I dug into my food.

Akashi looked at me as I was busy devouring the dish like a hungry lion. "Two years." Was his straight answer.

"Interesting..." I said dryly.

The rest of our date went just like this; questioning each other back and forth (Shu was answering most of them; and to think that this was same guy who never responded to anyone's question back at the café), giggling at stupid jokes (mostly Aihana), Akashi's calculative stare boring into me and I kept eating in the messiest way possible. The waiter came to us with a fake smile plastered on his face, handing us the bill and without asking any of us and before I could even protest, Akashi paid for us all. I don't understand how was this called a double date when one guy was paying for the three of us? His actions never made much sense to me.

"Are we done?" I said yawning. Even though I had the day off, I was tired from all this shopping, walking and well, eating.

We were inside Akashi's black limousine as we again were heading off to somewhere I don't know or care.

"What are you talking about?" Aihana exclaimed in her shrilly voice. "Did you forget about the big surprise?"

"Oh, yeah, right. The big surprise. How could I forget about that one?" I couldn't keep the sarcasm off my voice. Aihana glared at me but decided to say nothing.

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