Chapter 25: Dark room

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I loved rain as long as I can get drenched alone. The problem was, a full grown guy was walking along with me and that was the moment weather decided to play a little joke on us.

It started raining.

Though it didn't start suddenly. The weather forecast did advise me to bring an umbrella with me whenever I go out. But as always, I disregarded the advice; after all when had I ever pay attention to other's advice? Plus, I loved the rain.

But Shu was with me. And I didn't feel like one of those romance novel heroines and get drenched with a guy right now.

So, now, we were running along the slippery, wet streets, towards my house at full speed. Shu clumsily slipped once and I pulled him, grabbing his collar, giggling.

We reached my house faster than we thought though all these running couldn't save us from the rain as none of us had any umbrellas. We were wet plus exhausted.

"Come inside." I offered Shu, as my teeth chatter. "You'll catch cold."

He looked at me. "Don't worry. I'll manage."

I rolled my eyes. "And how in the world are you going to do that? Your house is quite far from here. It's alright to accept help when people offer it, you know."

"Whenever I'm with you, all I receive are these moralistic life lessons." A ghost of a smile appeared on his lips.

I scowled. "Whatever. Get inside. Just wait until the rain stops."

He looked at the growling, dark sky for a while. His face revealed none of his emotions as he nodded and got inside with me.

He looked around my small apartment curiously as he entered.

"I know, I'm poor." I said blankly as I took off my shoes.

Unexpectedly, he became a bit flustered. "No, no, it's not like that."


"You live alone, that's all I'm thinking."

"Oh. Yes, I do."

I walked inside with my drenched clothes with Shu closely following behind me. It was only one room so, we decided, first I will take a shower then Shu. I quickly took some clothes- A pair of gray shorts and a white tee and went to the bathroom. I finished up faster than usual because Shu was completely wet too, and he would catch a cold if he doesn't change his wet clothes quickly.

The sky was dark and still growling like a hungry lion. I got out of the bathroom while drying up my dark blue hair. Shu was sitting on a chair as I instructed him since I didn't want his drenched self to ruin my only mattress.

He stared at me and my process of drying my hair without saying anything. I raised eyebrows at him, but still he responded with nothing but staring at me, unblinking. I sighed and threw him my towel and pointed to the bathroom. "Go take a long warm shower. And in the meantime, let me see if I can find any bigger clothes for you."

He caught the light blue towel easily. "What if you don't find any?"

"Then you have to stay naked until your wet clothes dries up and the rain stops."

He raised his one brow. "And you don't have any problem having a naked full grown man in your lonely house?"

"Nope." I said while looking through my wardrobe. "You have any problem staying naked?"

He coughed a bit before muttering something to himself.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"That you should be more careful with your actions."

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