Chapter 10: Is it the past?

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I opened the door of my apartment yawning when the bell rang at 6 am in the morning. It was Sunday and Ms. Nakamoto gave me a day off. It was once in a lifetime when I had a day without any work to do so I decided to sleep as much as I could. And as always, someone had to come to my home today at this time in the morning when I was enjoying my sleep.

There stood a short middle aged man with perfectly combed black hair in a black suit and a friendly smile on his face. I studied his smile for some time and realized that it was not fake. I yawned again.

"Is this the apartment of Ms. Ena?" He asked politely.

I nodded confused. "Um, yes..."

"Am I talking to Ms. Ena right now?"

My eyes twitched in annoyance. Who talks like that these days?!

"Yes. You are. And may I ask who am I talking to right now?"

He gave me soft smile. "I came here from the Akashi household."

I froze on my spot for a moment, letting the information process in my brain thoroughly. Came from where?!

"...Okay? And what can I do for you?" I asked a bit harshly.

Taken aback by the sudden rudeness in my voice, he quickly took out a letter from his pocket. I furrowed my brows. What is that?
"I was told to deliver this to Ms Ena."

"By whom?" I wasn't able to contain my harshness again.

"By Mr. Akashi Seijuro. I am his personal assistant."

Again I froze on my spot and stared at the man dumbly. I took the letter from his hand like a robot. I looked at it; it was a simple white envelope with a very familiar sign at the corner of the envelope. The Akashi family crest. My brows twitched in irritation again.

"How did he know where I lived?" I muttered slowly.

The man gave me a smile and I knew what it meant immediately. 'Of course, he and his nasty ways...' I reminded myself sarcastically. I was going to rip that letter into pieces in front of the senile old man and slam the door on his face to go back to my peaceful sleep when he seemed to realize my intentions. He hastily stopped me from ripping the letter and I looked at him annoyed.

"I was instructed to escort you to him as soon as you finished reading that letter." He said frantically.

I looked at him quizzically for a minute processing the whole statement. When I finally did, I turned furious. First he ruins my Sunday morning by sending his assistant and for what? Only to send me a damn letter -not to mention in this 21st century- saying who knows what and then this old guys says he will escort me to him. Was this some kind of joke?

Then I reminded myself. Akashi Seijuro never plays jokes. He only does business. And right now, as my guts were saying, I think he had some business with him.

But the thing was, I wasn't interested in anyway to meet and do these business with him. The only thing I want was to go back to sleep.

"And what made him think that I'll let you escort me to him?"

He looked at me uncomfortably, unsure to what to say against my raged outburst. Looking at the man, I felt bad. Just because I was annoyed at him doesn't mean I could be mean to an elderly man.

My gaze turned soft. "Would you like come in while I read that letter?"

He looked at me gratefully and I invited him in. He sat on a chair in my living-bedroom as I quickly folded the mattress -where I was sleeping earlier and usually sleep- on the floor and put it in the corner. I offered him a glass of water because there was nothing else decent in my fridge to offer and went to kitchen with the letter.

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