Chapter 29: Hazy dreams

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I felt so light.

My head felt so light. My whole body felt so light. As if I could fly.

I felt like I was drifting away from everything that was known to me.

But I knew I wasn't really flying because I could feel the soft surface I was laying on and inhale the lingering sweet smell of lavender in the air around me. It was a little cold but I wasn't really feeling cold.

I wonder why.

I drifted off to another dreamlike land.


"How is she?" A worried voice asked.

"She's fine, Denver." Someone answered him calmly. "You can go home now without worrying about her."

"I can't. I don't trust her with you." The first voice gritted out.

"You should." This voice was cool and calm. "Because it's always me who's there to save her all the time. And I will all the time."

"I know everything you two have in your past, Akashi."

"That's good. Then you'd know how to mind your own business from now on."

"She'll never go back to you, Seijuro."

"That's not for you to tell, Shu."

The all the voice got muffled inside my head and I gave up.


"Is Ena-san alright?"

"She is alright, Kuroko. She hurt her head but other than that, just some bruises here and there. And she also might've scraped her knees and sprained her ankle."

"Then how can you say that she's alright then, Akashi-kun?! You should take her to the hospital!"

"Our family doctor came to check up on her which is enough for now. I will do whatever's necessary for her health when she wakes up."


"But tell me something, Kuroko. I've known you years but never have I seen you so panicked, worried and lose your cool. Is it always Ena who makes you like this?"

"I can ask the same thing from you too, Akashi-kun. Is it always Ena who makes you take rash decisions which is the most unlikely thing you'd ever do?"

"That's because I loved her."

"Do you still?"

"Before I answer your question, Kuroko, first answer mine. Why do you want to if I love her? Do you love her, Kuroko?"


"I don't have time for this," A very familiar exasperated voice yelled loudly.

Is it a dream? I wondered. All these voices...

"I want answers, Sei!!" Another female voice shouted back. Her voice filled with utter pain. "Why? Why would you throw himself right out just to save her? Who is she to you?"

"I told you, Aihana. She's an old friend."

"Is she?" The female choked back her tears. "Is she just a friend?"

I was waiting for the another voice to reply but it never came.

I couldn't see anything. I didn't have enough energy to even open my eyelids. My subconscious mind couldn't recognize their voice.

I knew they were someone I knew but I just couldn't pinpoint. Everything was just so hazy and unclear and dreamlike.

A sound of opening the door was heard. Then the male asked once again.

"Did you do it?" He asked.

"What?" The confusion was palpable in her voice.

"The whole accident? The chandelier?" The male voice asked once again and this time his voice sounded angry and cold.

"What are you even talking about?" The female said in a unbelieving voice. "That accident could've killed Ena! Why would I do something so low like that? Do you think that I'm even capable of doing such thing?!"

The other voice remained silent for some time.

"I know, you're not stupid, Aihana." He stated. "You suspected that there was something between me and Ena and that thoughtless and meaningless suspicion of yours might have led you to do something that you shouldn't have done in your right mind."

"You don't believe me?" The woman said in a quiet voice.

"I want to, Aihana."

Then the door was closed.

I wanted to go away from there. I didn't want to even hear these things. Because I didn't even understand what were they talking about.

The soft surface under me dipped a little near me. As if someone sat beside me.

Then I felt a warm hand caressing my forehead and my hair. The hand gave me a kind of comforting reassurance and warming sensation. The hand touched my eyebrows softly like feathers.

Then I felt something different on my forehead.

As if someone just pressed their lips on my forehead.

Then I was lost into another world once again.


A/N: Short chapter but oh well.

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