Chapter 24: Mystery

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Walking down alone in the street was the last thing I liked to do but that's what I had to do everyday.

I never liked walking alone. I end up with too much depressing thoughts and it just makes my bad day even worse. Haruka was absent from the college today, so my day at college was lonely. Then at the Cafè, Shu gave me a cold shoulder. Not like he avoided me or anything, he just... well, you know, gave me a very very cold treatment.

"Can't you do one thing right? Shu asked me in an icy voice laced with anger.

I accidentally spilled some coffee on the counter while giving it to a customer as I was giving Ukita a hand on his works.

I tried to smile sheepishly. "Sorry there. I'll wipe it right a--"

"Forget it." He shoved me aside lightly. "Just stay away from the counter."

I looked at him strangely for some time, looking for some possible explanation in those unfathomable oceanic eyes but there was none. His face was unreadable when he wiped the counter and handed the customer his order swiftly.

Remember how he once asked me why people act scared around him when they shouldn't be.

Well, dude, if you're gonna act like this, obviously they're gonna get scared...

I tried to shrug it off and tried to concentrate on my own work instead. But that was hard too, because Tsunade, who was working alongside with me, was depressed as hell because of her recent breakup with her boyfriend. Kazuma tried to cheer her up with some pervy jokes but instead he only received some cold Tsunade glares.

I sighed. Yes, a very bad day indeed.

And now I was walking down this deserted street all alone with all these thoughts crowding in my head.

I frowned when I heard some footsteps.

I didn't realize a shadow was following closely behind me as I was lost in my own thoughts. I stopped on my tracks, turning on my heels slightly to look behind and saw no one. I was totally alone on that dimly lit road.

I was sure that I heard some footsteps behind me. I discreetly put my hand on my jeans pocket and felt the pepper spray bottle inside them. I turned around again to walk forward only to hear someone following behind me once again.

Okay, I must admit, by this time, I was totally freaked out. My heart was thumping loudly and my feet turned cold. I was completely panicked.

Suddenly I felt a warm hand wrapped around my wrist.

I forgot how to scream. I screeched in a strange, strangled voice and tried to jerk myself away from their tight grip, whipping around to see who it was.

I met with a pair of deep blue eyes.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Shu?!" I shouted loudly, maybe shaking up the whole neighborhood.

His eyes widened ever so slightly before he let go of my hand like nothing happened. "This is first time you cursed infront of me." He stated, totally ignoring what I just screamed on his face.

"Oh, trust me, if you keep popping up like this, I'll shower with curses that will even make a sailor blush."

He smiled at me as if he didn't ignored me at the Cafè and gave me a cold shoulder all day. Seriously, this guy has some serious mental issues!!

I sighed before started walking again with Shu beside me. None of us said anything. It was cool, windy night; the sound of blowing wind and rustling of leaves could be heard but not seen. A thick, wispy cloud embraced the moon that gave off a faint aura of lunar light. You could hear the discrete sounds of cars and other vehicles penetrating the silence lightly every now and then from the main street which was far away from the neighborhood.

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