Chapter 31.5: Miracles & threats

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Have I ever mentioned before that watching the Generation of miracles play was a frustrating bliss? No? Well, now you know.

From the bleachers, I rolled my eyes as I saw Midorima score another clean three pointer ending with a swoosh sound and lots of cheers.

It's a bliss because well, it's Generation of Miracles.

Nowhere in Japan you'd see such fast paced and tactfully played game, if it's not them. They were not called the strongest in Japan during their middle and high school years for nothing. Still now, they were idolised by many.

If I was being fair and ignore the fact Akashi Seijuro is my ex husband for one moment and only talk about his basketball skills, then I'd have to admit that he's flawless. Absolutely flawless and dominating on the court.

Then there's Aomine Daiki, the ace. His style was so unconventional, fast and impressive that he could easily qualify as a NBA player if wanted to. He was fast paced, ran around the court in a blink of an eye and his shots were sharp and unorthodox.

Midorima Shintaro, the shooting guard was as accurate as ever and it was almost uncanny. He just never misses.

Murasakibara Atsushi, the center, blocked every shots with inhuman strength making him the ultimate defense on the court. It was funny seeing him all scary on the court because he was such a cute (and lazy) guy in real life.

And no matter how much obnoxious Kise Ryouta was in real life, he was a true genius when it came to basketball and an excellent player on the court. I don't know why he thought that he was the weakest among the GoM when he was capable of imitating all of the prodigies on the court.

And of course, last but not the least, Kuroko Tetsuya. I had a hard time spotting him on the court but every time I see an impressive (and sometimes impossible) pass, I instantly remember that Kuroko was in the court too.

So, in one word, watching them play was pure bliss.

Amd it was frustrating too. Because whenever I see them play, I realize there was not a single player in Japan who could stand up against them. Well, Kagami did but he was in USA now. Now, they were playing against each other, but you just can't detect a mistake in their game, at least I couldn't.

I heaved a sigh. No wonder these team is still considered a legend in middle school and high school basketball in Japan even though none of them chose to be a basketball player professionally. They loved the game but it remained as a hobby. It was ironic too. They put their heart and soul into this game during their school year but in the end none of them became a professional basketball player. I guess, things you love doing were better remain as a hobby than a profession.

"Penny to your thoughts, Ena-chan?" Momoi's sweet voice snapped me back to reality.

I smiled. "Nothing much."

She nodded. "Do you want to play too?"

"No, thank you. I don't want this game to turn into a boring one."

She chuckled. "Oh Ena-chan, you've always been so bad at basketball."

"Bad? I'm horrible!"

She laughed again along with me this time.

I looked downwards. My body still felt a little weak and I still felt pain whenever I moved my shoulder or craned my neck. I already asked Mrs. Nakamoto for a leave of absence which she granted gladly saying that she was already thinking of letting me some days off since I was so diligent at work (her words not mine). I didn't say anything about the accident though as I didn't feel like burdening her with my own problems. She was a nice person, a kind one too, but sometimes she could be really nosy if she wanted to.

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