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Tina's Pov
Tina- As much as it hurts me to write this , it has to be done..... I don't want to just leave without any last words.. thank you to my mom for never giving up on me even after she found out I had Melanoma... You and dad made me fight for what I wanted..... You guys knew nothing in this world would be handed to a girl losing her vision. That's how I'm known now. I'm Beyoncé. *Smiles* . I love you mom... To Solo, keep being you. Never change yourself for the public. You can always talk to me still if you want to. I'm always here. To Julez, Stay out of trouble kid or auntie BeyBey will get you! *Chuckles* I love you with my whole heart. Always protect your mom for me... To August,... I love you with all of me......Please don't be hurt. I'm in a better place now. Make sure you take care of our baby while I'm away. You've always done a better job than I have. To BlueBlue, Mommy loves you so so so much baby. You added so much spark in my life. I never disliked you honey. Mommy just was scared for times like this. I'm not here, but I'm always in your heart honey. It saddens me so much to be writing this. To my fans, THANK YOU! I can't thank you guys enough! My last years on this earth have been full of excitement and joy because of you guys. I can't say I love you enough! Thank you. -Beyoncé G. Knowles Alsina.

Tina- My daughter knew this day would come... I did also. She had eye cancer which is very rare... She slowly was losing her vision. She didn't want help. She did every and anything on her own...She always said "Life is but a Dream,"..... Her wish was to always have a family, but she wasn't healthy enough..... That's why I found BlueBlue *Smiles* Oh how mommy loved you so much. Bey didn't let her cancer take the best of her. There has been countless days she was so sick , but she got up on that stage and danced her butt off like there was no tomorrow. *Smiles* My baby was strong. She's my hero. But Blue and August were her heroes. She felt like she had a purpose to live. Make new memories. *Chuckles* I always called her my "Blind Child."

I placed the rose on her casket.

Tina- I love you Beyoncé. *Smiles* My Blind Child.

(The End)

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