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Soraya P.O.V

I walked into work looking my best as I headed to the elevator and I got looks all over the place. The front door man, the guards even random guys and girls off the street. I couldn't feel any better about myself as the elevator numbers when up.

"Okay today is the day, shoot your shot at him." I said to myself.

The elevator ding told me I was at floor 29 and my stomach was filled with butterflies. I stepped out hearing my heels click on the floor as I saw Bradly looking at papers.

"Hello Soraya, how are you?" He asked me with a smile.

"Fine is Micah here?" I asked him quickly and he laughed.

"First off no, he'll be here in 30 minutes and second you look great. No way he's not going to notice you today." Brad said hugging me.

I moved back and let out a big huff and turned in a full circle. I stopped when I heard Brad start to laugh and looked at him.

"Stop thinking that way." He said to me.

"Stop thinking what way?" I asked him.

"How you're not pretty enough, or to curvy for him. People can see and feel confidence so keep the same confidence you did when you walked in. I have know you for years and even though I'm married I still think you're very beautiful." He said with a smile.

"I do too." Gabby yelled from the other room.

"Hey Gabby." I yelled back.

"I have to get back to work with Gabby, but keep looking pretty and shoot your shot at him. My brother is stupid but not that dame dumb." Brad said walking into his office and Gabby stuck her head out.

"Oh hey sexy, keep smiling and just try to talk to him. If I wasn't married to Brad I would be all over you." Gabby said with a smiling with her blond hair fall off he shoulder.

"I would too." Brad yelled making me smile.

She closed the office door and I smiled at the two of them. They are relationship goals to the extreme and I mean that. Been together since they where 17, never cheated on each other, always find a way to keep each other happy and when they fight someone always makes it right. I was still looking at the door when I felt a hand on my shoulder softly moving me and I turned. It was Micah and he just looked at me with a blank face and I smiled at him and he gave me a fake one back.

"Excuse me." He said and I moved over.

"Hey Micah." I said and he nodded walking into his office. 

I had to get in there so I looked at my desk and saw it was a case on it for him. I grabbed it and walked to his door but stopped in front of it. I checked my hair and fixed my clothes before I knocked on the door.

"Yeah, come in." He said and my heart was going crazy.

I pushed the door open slowly and then turned closing it slowly as well. I was trying to work down my nerves before I looked at him but when I saw his face I lost it again.

"Yeah." He said not looking at me.

"A case came in for you." I said handing him the papers.

He grabbed it and looked them over then glanced at me for a second as I just stood there.

"Anything else...Ms." He said telling me he didn't know my name.

I took a deep breath and I was ready to ask him out on a date. I pulled my head up and looked at him as he looked back at the paper.

"Yeah, I wanted to asked if you..." I was cut off by the phone that he picked up quickly.

"Hello." He said and started talking on the phone and I just stood there.

He stopped talking and sat the phone down and looked at me.

"Ms. I'm very busy right now, just talk to Brad and he tell me later alright." He said and I nodded to him.

I walked out the door giving him one last look and damn he was so damn beautiful. See how he reacted to me only made me want to run and hide from him again. I've been working with him and Bradly for almost 5 years and he doesn't know my damn name. That's just how much he ever thinks of me 0 to none. I sat at my desk and saw it was almost 11 and I was going to be on lunch in a moment. I sat back and my stomach bubbled a little and I had to fart so bad. Since no one was around a let out the silent killer and I felt so much better.

"Ms." Micah said walking up front.

I sat up quickly fanning the air around me and when he stopped he smelt the air.

"Are you on lunch now? smells like eggs or something." He said looking at me.

"Yeah had an...egg salad but I'm done now." I said and he nodded.

"Good you took a early lunch I need a lot of things faxed and I'm waiting for a lot of faxes. I need you at this desk for the rest of the day since you ate already." He said walking away and Bradly and Gabby came to the front.

Brad stopped talking to Micah and Gabby gave him a quick hug and walked over to me and smelled the air.    

"Every time I come out here you farted." Gabby said sitting on my desk and I smiled at her.

"Are you two coming to lunch with us?" She asked looking at me and Micah.

"No I have work to do and she is looking out for some faxes I need. She ate lunch and I can wait to eat a few hours." Micah said and I nodded.

"You didn't eat anything, did you?" Gabby asked me and I nodded.

"I'll bring you back something." She said jumping down.

Her and Bradly both walked out and I turned to shoot my shot at Micah again but I we already walking into his office. Talk about going from confident to feeling like shit in just a few hours.  

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