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Micah P.O.V

I looked around at all of the women in here and I was dissapointed at it all really. I heard such great things about this place but every woman was skinny and air heads at that. I looked at the rubys and jewels on the and huffed. I stood taking my drink with me as I moved threw the people. I stopped when I saw the owner walk on the stage and looked around with his hot wife who stopped next to him.

"Everyone, can i get your attention." He said and we all looked at him.

"This party still has another two hour of it but I wanted to do the winners now." He said as his wife held a bowl full of tickets.

I'm not even sure if I wanted to win this now, after looking at all of the women just at this party. I didnt listen as the woman read off the numbers for the women till a lady screamed. She ran on the stage and gave them both a hug. I looked at my ticket as the owner guy started to read off the numbers.

"1-9-3-7-9-2-1-0" He said and I looked at my ticket it was a winner. 

I put my ticket up and he smiled at me telling me to come on stage. I walked up giving it to him and he smiled at me moving in closer.

"Not that excited I see." He said to me.

"Maybe in the club it will get better." I said to him and he nodded.

"These are our to lucky winners!" He yelled into the mic and everyone clapped.

They pushed me to the over excited woman and she wrapped her arms around my one arm. She pushed her head into my shoulder and I wanted to push her off of me. I looked around at the women there till I saw someone at the bar. She looked amazing, how did I ever miss her and i the more I tried to see her the more people moved around.

"Anything you want to say?" The owner asked the woman and she screamed again.

She snatched the mic from him and started talking but I tuned her out as more people moved and I saw the woman again. Her long black hair stopped at her back, and her ass was something from a dream it was round and perfect in every way.

"What about you sir?" The owner said to me and I grabbed the mic.

I didn't have shit to say and I wanted to get off stage before the woman walked out. She wasn't a member and I wouldnt know how to find her. I just looked at her as I opened my mouth and she slowly sipped a drink.

"Yeah, Thank you." I said and she suddenly looked up at me.

Her lips full and that black dress compliment every part of her body. From her full perfect breast to the curvy hips and I wanted to see her legs.

"Short and to the point." The owner said taking the mic.

He talked some more before we walked off the stage and all I could think was get to that woman. I moved as fast as I could to get to the bar and there she still stood done with her drink and I moved in behind her. I looked at the blue heels she had on and damn i had to fight my erection that wanted to come.

"Hello." I said making her turn around.

I couldn't see her face but damn she had to beautiful with lips like that. She smiled at me before she opened her mouth and I smiled back.

"Hello." She said back and her voice was jsut as fucking beautiful.

"Why are you over here alone?" I asked her and she laughed.

"I have no clue, maybe no one likes me that much." She said making a joke.

"Sometimes the most beautiful things and the ones that are rejected the most." I said and I could spark in her eyes.

"Very sweet and poetic, took english in high school I see." She said to me and I laughed

"More like in the 8th grade, and I failed it." I said making her laugh

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"Not really suppose to tell you that." She said I remembered no we can't.

"Yeah I forgot, the mask shit but I'm sure you have a pretty name to match." I said and she blushed and I felt like a winner.

"It was nice to meet you, but I have to be going now." She said grabbing her purse.

"Can I get your phone number?" I asked her.

"I don't think that's a good idea." She said nervous as she walked away.

I followed behind her quickly before she could get away from me. I grabbed her arm as we both walked out of the curtain and she looked back at me.

"Then take my number, you never know if you might want to talk with me again." I said and she was thinking about it i could see it in her face.

"Alright then fine." She said pulling out her phone.

I read my number to her and I looked as she was about to lock it in her phone and she stopped. She looked at me for a second and type in the name 'Blue Eyes' as my contact name. I smiled at her as the owners wife walked over to her and grabbed her hand.

"Nice to meet you." I said to her and she looked back at me smiling.

"Same to you." She said as she walked into a back room.

"Looks like you found a good reason to come back." The owner said walking to me.

"Is she a member... man?" I sia not knowing his name.

"You can call me Gab and she's not but Ivana is a great sales womans she'll get her to join us." He said smiling at me.

That was the most beautful chocolate woman i have ever seen in my life. I wanted to know everything about her, no woman has every been this beautiful. I work with women and I mean this girl is something out of this world. If I saw her anywhere I couldn't over look her and I hope to see her again. 

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