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Soraya P.O.V

My heart was racing as I drove us to my parents house for dinner and for so many reasons. I don't want to see my brothers and I still have to tell Micah about the club. I pulled to a stop in front of there house and he just looked at me because I didn't move.

"You okay?" He asked and I turned to him and took a deep breath.

"No, I have something to tell you." I said and he gave me a look and turned to face me completely.

"Yeah?" He asked me and turned to him taking another deep breath.

"I know where you want to go tonight, because I'm a member there." I said and he gave me a shocked look.

"Oh okay, have you had sex with anyone there? He asked me slightly sadly.

"No, just one person." I said and he gave me a look of sadness but slightly relieved.

"I mean alright, we just started messing around like a day ago so I can't be mad at you for that." He said.

"Well you know the guy I had sex with." I said making it sound wrong.

"Was it Bradly?" He yelled and I shuck my head ready to tell the truth.

"It was you." I said and he looked forward then to the window then to me.

I sat there waiting for him to get out and leave me or yell at me but he didn't say anything. He sat forward for a moment then put his hand over his mouth then looked at me.

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" He asked.

"I didn't know it was you till you pulled up your mask, and then I just never knew when to tell you." I said and he reached for his phone.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and then did something before my phone rang and the name popped up I saved him as. He picked up my phone and looked at it with a look that I couldn't make out.

"Alright." He said before opening the door.

He got out of the car and I huffed knowing this would happen. He waited for me in front of the car and I walked around to him with my heels clicking on the ground. He turned to me handing me my phone and fixed his shirt a little.

"Are you alright?" I asked him and he nodded.

He started for the house when a red car pulled up and I just got a bad feeling about it. It was one of my brothers and before the door could open I grabbed Micah and pulled him to the door faster. He said something but I ignored it all together as I knocked on the door not looking back.

"Soraya!" Justin yelled from behind me and I turned not wanting to talk to him.

Micah turned just as my mother opened my door to look at Justin and he looked different. He was tall since I last saw him and I guess seeing him wasn't that bad.

"Who's this?" Justin asked stopping in front of me.

"This is Micah, Soraya's new boyfriend." My mom said hugging Micah's arm and he smiled.

"Nice to meet you Micah, Soraya can I talk to you before we go inside?" He asked me and I nodded to him.

"See you inside." Micah said not really looking at me.

They both walked into the house and my mom closed the door behind her. I wasn't sure what to do but keep my back on the wall.

"How are you?" He asked me.

"Fine." I said back not knowing what was going on.

"Soraya, I missed you on my 19th birthday." He said and I nodded.

"Work." I said back still nervous around him.

"Soraya I'm sorry." He said and I looked at him shocked.

"I was 9 when that happened and I never wanted it to happen. Kenny and Leon over powered me and had me believing all this shit. If you want me to go to jail for what I did I don't blame you and I'll happily go." He said slightly crying.

"No I don't want that." I said looking at his tears.

"When I think about it I feel sick, its no different then have sex with Bridget or Tami. I'll do anything to make this up to you Soraya." He said fully crying now.

"You don't have to do anything, I forgive you." I said to him and he smiled at me rushing to give me a hug.

I never hugged Justin before and this was something new and I can't tell if it was nice or not.

"I don't know if Kenny or Leon ever said so sorry to you but I know they never touched you again." He said moving back from me an looking at me.

He looked at my face for a moment then his face turned into a hard frown.

"Did they touch you again Soraya?" He asked me and I shuck my head.

"You've gotten taller Justin." I said to him.

"Did you ever tell mom or dad, better yet your boyfriend? How do think he would feel if he found out you are cheating on his with your brothers?" He asked making me mad.

"I'm not cheating on him, I'm being raped by them and I don't know what to do about it. I can't just tell on them because who would I tell, the cops." I yelled at him and he huffed.

"I guess you wouldn't." Leon said walking up behind Justin.

Justin moved to the side and I looked at Leon in his blue police uniform and I moved back into the door. I then saw Kenny walking to the porch with his police Captain uniform on Justin pushed me back into the door pushing it open. He closed the door behind us and walked me to the bathroom so I could calm down. He came in with me and locked the door and gave me some tissues.

"If you don't want to, I'll tell someone." Justin said and I smiled at him.

"No, its not point they are going to toss Micah in jail if he helps and you know they would do it to dad or mom in a second. I hate this but its easier to live with it then to deal with it alright." I said to him and he gave me a look that I didn't like.

He walked out the bathroom and said something to someone. I turned to the mirror and started to just let myself cry as Micah walked into the bathroom. I quickly grabbed a towel cleaning my face and he just looked at me before he closed the door and walked to me.

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