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Soraya P.O.V

After a nice lunch I let Micah drive to the auto repair place to check on his car. He was in there forever so I just relaxed and stopped thinking about telling him anything. I listened to the soft music play and just as my eyes closed the door swung open.

"Ready to go?" He asked me and I nodded.

"I need to stop at the grocery store, its nothing to eat in that house." I said and he nodded.

I didn't say anything else to him and the glances he kept giving me told me he noticed that.

"So Soraya, I have to say I know very little about you." He gave me a cute smile.

"Yeah, that's a good thing." I said back to him.

"I don't think it is, what if I want you to be my girlfriend." He made me blush, hard in that moment so I turned away from him.

"Okay this is what we can do, you ask me anything and I'll answer, then I do the same for you." Micah said and I just nodded.

"Alright, why are you so beautiful to me?" He asked me.

"I'm blessed with good looks, and you're one person not everyone thinks I'm good looking." I said back to him.

"With you brown eyes, long brown hair, curvy waist, soft skin, pretty smile, and everything else how could so one not." He said to me with a smile.

"Alright then, why didn't you notice me for so many years, then all of the sudden we are having sex in a bathroom?" I asked and he gave a sad smile.

"Well here is something I'm sure you didn't know, I was married at one point." He said and I gave him a shocked look.

"Not anymore but I as married for a while, about 6 years to be honest with you. We meet in high school, and fell in love and at 20 we got married. She was always what I though was the better part of me but she wasn't. I loved her so much that I knew she was cheating on me but I didn't say anything. I remember buying her a rings, dresses, a house and a car just to remind her of what we had and making her stop cheating." He didn't seem sad talking about any of this but it made me sad.

"Soon after all of that she ended up pregnant and then she walked out on me all together. I knew the child wasn't mine, I have problems with getting anyone pregnant." He said and he gave me a smile.

He suddenly gave me a sad look and then reached for my hand holding it tight.

"Stop crying it was a while ago and I'm not hurt anymore." He said.

"You're such a sweet guy." I said to him and he laughed.

"Maybe that was the problem, but that's not me anymore. I'll never let someone lie to me, a trick me ever again. That's why I like you Soraya, something in me just snapped and I just wanted to be around you. After this night I had with a woman it just changed in me, it was the first time I had sex in almost 2 years. I don't know if I'm just crazy but when someone has an effect on you and suddenly want to give them the world. Me and you have only spent maybe 12 hours together but I know its something special about you." He said pulling into the parking lot.

"I don't know what to say about that, maybe I should tell you something." I said as he parked the car.

"I would like that yes." He said turning to me.

"Well, damn this is so embarrassing to say." I said laughing a little.

"Now I have to hear it." He said laughing as well.

"I have always had the craziest crush on you but I never had the chance to shoot my shot at you or I bitched out." I said coving my face.

I moved my hands when he didn't say anything and he just had a smile on his face.

"Why are you just looking at me!" I said pushing him back and he laughed.

"How long did you have a crush on me?" He asked pass his laughing.

"If you're going to laugh at me then I don't want to talk about it." I said crossing my arms.

He pulled me to him and gave me a kiss on the cheek still laughing.

"That's so cute, you had a crush on me. How long did you? Before I do nasty things to you once we get home." He said still kissing my cheek.

"I don't know about 4 years, since I was 20. The first time I saw you I liked you but you are three years older then me. I was about 16 and you where 19, so I knew no way you where going for me." I said and he kept smiling.

"But wait you knew Bradly first and he's 32 so how did that happen?" He asked and I gave him a sad smile.

"Well I was adopted but that didn't happen till I was 12, and Bradly did some program help kid with no families. He was about 19 at the time I think and he would come get me from the place and we would hang out. He's my best friend and will always be, even when some really fucked up stuff happened to me he help me. That's why I wanted to work with him, and because I was crazy about you." I said and Micah smiled.

"You never seemed like it." He said pulling me closer to him till the top of my breast poked up more and he rested his head on them.

"I did, from short dresses to me just standing in your office for no reason. You just didn't notice of kicked me out of your office." I said and he smiled.

"I kick you out of my office because I have work to do and you're just standing there. Let just skip the store, I want to take you some where." He said and I smiled.

"Is it another bathroom?" I asked running my fingers in his thick hair and he smiled.

"Well it has a bathroom." He said making me laugh.

I'm not going to drop that stupid L word but I think I'm falling in like with him. I mean a crush is one thing but he's perfect to me. I have to tell him I'm that woman he had sex with for the first time in 2 years. Just how do I tell him?

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