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Micah P.O.V

I looked at Soraya crying and it broke my heart that I made her cry like this. I'm not mad at her, more so shocked then anything but not mad.

"Oh Soraya I'm not mad at you, I'm sorry." I said and she gave me a beautiful smile.

I gave her a hug and she hugged me back making me feel better. I never liked any woman cry but her really made me feel like shit.

"I'm alright Micah." She said and I reached down giving her a soft kiss on the lips.

"It's a good thing that you where the same woman from the club I guess." I said to her and she looked at me.

"Why is that?" She asked.

"Well because I knew it was something about that woman I liked and something about you I liked. That tells me I always liked you even when I didn't know it so that says a lot about you." I said and she laughed.

"So sappy." She said pushing me back and I laughed.

"Lets go eat." I said grabbing her hand and she smiled.

She held my and firmly and maybe I was just going to fast and I couldn't tell her now but I think I love this girl. Is it possible to fall in love this fast, well I have known her for years and maybe I was already in love with her. I never paid her much attention but now that I think of It I remember when she colored her hair red. I remember her doing a lot of things that I just never said anything about. We walked into the dinning room and I looked at her younger brother who was a really nice kid.

"Hey Micah, you two can sit next to me." He said pulling out a chair for me.

I didn't sit down just gave it to Soraya and then sat next to her and she smiled. I looked over to her sisters talking and her parents having a romantic moment at the end of the table. I looked around the house when I felt someone looking at me and I knew it was her weird other brothers. I looked at Kenny who gave me a hard look and I smiled at him. I know his type thinks because he's a police captain he can scary people but not me.

"So Kenny how long have you been a Captain?" I asked and he smiled.

"For about 3 years now." He said and Leon looked at me.

"What do you do for a living that makes you good enough for my sister?" Leon asked trying to scary me.

I smiled at him and sat up straight show that I'm just as intimidating as he is. He frowned at me and then looked at Soraya and gave her a creepy smirk.

"Well I'm a lawyer." I said to him and both of them frowned at me.

"Cute with a good job, nice Soraya." Bridget said and Soraya smiled at her.

"What about your family, are they all in law like you?" Soraya's dad asked with a smile and I glanced at him but kept my eye on her two brothers.

"Yes they all are, My dad is a Judge and my mother is a Warden. Me, my brother and my brothers wife all work at the same law firm. We all are lawyers and Soraya is the beautiful front desk receptionist." I said pulling her hand up to my lips and softly kissing it.

I loved the deep frown her brothers gave me and then gave to Soraya who started to fold at there stare. I didn't like anyone doing that to her as I pulled her closer to me and she looked up at me.

"So your daughter and sister is in great hands, no one will ever hurt her and get away with it at least." I said and Kenny stood.

"I'll see you all another time." He said grabbing a beer off the table and walking out.

"I'll see you all another time as well, can't wait to see you again Soraya." he said giving her a wink.

I didn't fucking like that, not only was it creep as all fuck from her brother but this is my girlfriend. He tried to walk pass and I stood blocking him and he looked at me.

"Do we have a fucking problem?" I asked him and he put his hands up to me.

"Not unless you want one." He said back to me.

"Hell yeah I want one." I said before I pulled back my fist and punched him.

He fell back and before he could catch is balance I was pulled back by someone. I fell back a little and everyone blocked me from him. He looked at me as he cleaned the little of blood off of his lip. He only got more angry at the fact everyone stood next t me and no one with him.

"Fuck you guys." He said walking out of the house and everyone looked at me.

I didn't say anything as I looked at all of them and they all looked shocked at me. I wasn't sure if that happy or mad at me but I turned to Soraya who just smiled at me.

"Thank you." Everyone kind of said at once at me.

"Mom make us food to go." Soraya said and her mother looked at her.

"But you just got here." She said and Soraya looked at her.

"We have to go." She almost yelled as her mother ran into the kitchen.

Her father moved to me but before he could touch me Soraya grabbed my hand and pulled me away. She pushed me into the bathroom hard making me fall into the sink. Before I could turn on my own she forced me around and pulled me into a kiss. She worked my belt loose then my button and then fell to her knees quick.

"Soraya..." I said before she forced me into her mouth and I was lost in the feel of her.

I let my head fall back as her mouth moved around me till I had a full erection. She was rougher then I ever before and I like everything about that. I felt her gag a little and I exploded in her mouth instantly as she pulled back looking at me.

"Micah I think I love you." She said and I smiled at her.

"I think I love you too." I said back to her as I pulled her off the ground.

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