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Soraya P.O.V

3 years later

I parked in the drive way of our house and looked at Miach trying to put flower in front for me. He didn't know what the hell he was doing and I looked at Gabe who laughed at him.

"What the hell is he doing?" He asked me and I smiled.

"He's being a sweetheart and trying to give me the flowers that I wanted you ass." I said and he got out.

I looked as he tackled Micah to the ground and they both started fight with each other. I looke back when I heard my little man start to cry and I got out. I walked around grabbing him out of the car in his little birthday outfit and he smiled.

"You're one today little man, why are you crying on your birthday?" I said as Ivana walked over to me with her son Caleb.

"What's wrong with this guy?" She said grabbing him from me.

"Just sleepy I'm sure." I said as Micah walked over to me taking him from Ivana and he smiled.

"What's wrong little Micah?" Micah asked him.

He made little baby sounds as my parents and Miah's family pulled up. Everyone came out of the car talk loud as always and My dad grabbed little Micah.

"Hey little guy, want to see what grandpa got you?" My dad asked.

"Not yet dad." I said and he smiled Grabbing Micah and Gabe to walk with him.

Everyone slowly walked into the house and I grabbed the birthday cake. I looked at my mom who was still just looking at the house and I walked to her.

"What's wrong mom?" I asked her as Bradly and Gabby pulled up.

"Hey are we late?" Bradly said grabbing the cake from me.

"No, just in time." My mom said giving him a kiss and Gabby a hug.

"Good because little miss right here took forever just to do his hair." Gabby said and the two of them walked into the house and I looked at my mom again.

"Now, what's wrong mom?" I asked her again and she smiled at me.

"I need to talk to you about something I couldn't get off my mind for years. Your brothers, and before you cut me off just listen." She said and I closed my mouth to hear her talk.

"I never knew what was going on but I want to say thank you. When I was 14 I was raped by my uncle and never said anything. I know the type of pain you where in and you gave me the power to finally talk to him again. I know it has been over 20 years since that happened but it always stayed with me. You're my daughter but you're also my hero, and to see you today vs in that court room bathroom I know I can be alright. I don't hold on to that anymore, I forgave him and I want to live my last days on this earth with all of you and my grand kids." She said looking down at my baby bump.

"Thank you mom, I love you." I said and she walked into the house and I followed behind her.

I lit the candle on the cake and I noticed how Micah kept looking at me and I looked at him.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked with a smile.

"How is it that you get more good looking everyday?" he asked and I smiled.

"Slow down now, after this one is out of me we are getting you fixed." I said lighting the next candle.

"Maybe just one more after that one?" He said pulling me into a kiss.

"Alright one more but that's it." I said and he grabbed he cake from me.

I walked in behind him as we all started singing happy birthday to my little man. This is all I every wanted in life but what my mom jut said to made me smile more. Once we all got done singing we walked into the kitchen and started eating and talking. No one was going home since my dad, Gabe, Ivana and Micah as all drunk they are stay here tonight. I grabbed my little guy taking him up stairs to his room with Tami behind with Caleb. We placed both of them down on the bed and I looked at her.

"I wish I had one." She said and I smiled at he.

"Then stop being a whore." I said and she laughed.

"Fuck you Soraya." She said walking out the room and I looked at the two boys sleep.

I didn't go back down stairs but I headed into my room and looked at the mail on the bed. I sat down flipping threw it when I saw a letter from Leon in there. I don't know why but it made my hands shake as I pulled it open on the side and took it out. I took a deep breath before reading and looked back down at it.

Dear. Soraya

I know you don't want to hear from me and I don't blame you for not wanting to. I have been nothing but bad to you since I met you but I'm sorry. I know I'll never get to say that to you in person but I still am. You are nothing but a good person and the things I did to you I should be in a gas chamber. Death would have been to easy, the pain of always remembering what I did to you is hell already. I know I can't take back what I did, and I know you'll never forgive me but before I die in here I want you to know I'm sorry. I know this is going to sound like bull shit, but I do love and hope you and Micah have a great life. If you don't write me back then, I hope you are happy and living the life you always wanted.

I looked down at the bottom where it said Love Leon and I got up putting the letter down. I walked over to my desk and pulled out paper. I understand how my mother feels now, to finally let go of something that hurt you. I didn't feel angry at Leon or Kenny anymore, and in fact because of them I have the life I have now. I took out a pen and pressed it onto the paper and smiled as I started to write to him.

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