32.Insight On this Book

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Hello everyone I hope you're having a nice day. I wanted to go back and give a little info on this book after reading the comments. I love reading comments because your feed back makes me a better writer, so I love reading them. I have noticed in the chapter "Evidence" That there was some comments that was....insightful. That chapter is a very important one in this book and it has the one to wrap of the case and the abuse going on. I wanted it to be very dramatic and also give everyone that satisfaction of Leon and Kenny finally get what they had coming. No some of it isn't based in real life, but I fell like I gave you all the most of justice to make you smile at the end of it. I know this is a hard and real subject of sexual abuse and I wanted to show that why I've never lived it I understand. I didn't take it as a joke and till this day this is one of my favorite books I have written. I'm not going to say sorry for this book but I wanted everyone to know that I did my research and understood what I was writing.

If you do have something you want to tell me about this chapter or book in a whole message me or comment to let me know.

Love. E.L. Davis

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