22.Made me

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Micah P.O.V

I can tell by how hard she pulled from me and the look she is giving me that this was going to be hard to do. She looked at me in a way that made me feel like shit but I had to put her threw this pain to help her.

"Soraya." I said and she looked down.

"They didn't do anything to me just ass wholes, are you hungry you never ate your food." She siad trying to walk pass me but I grabbed her arm.

She pulled away from me and I could see that she was fighting not to cry right now and I hated it.

"Soraya you have to let me help you, if you can't admit to me that they raped you then I cant help." I said and she pulled from me hard.

"I was never raped by anyone!" She scared at me.

"Then what did they do to you?" I asked moving closer to her.

"Nothing, I owed them for everything there family did for me." She said.

"No, you don't and if you did not that way. You have been raped by them so long you are believing the lie." I said grabbing her arm again.

"Leave me alone!" She scared again pulling from me but I held tighter.

"Raya stop." I said and she pulled more.

"Let go of me!" She yelled louder closing her eyes.

She pulled from me so hard I couldn't let her go or she would fly back hard but I was scared for pulling a joint loss to. I pulled her to me and the fighting only got more intense from her as she pushed from me.

"Soraya when did this start? How did this start? Talk to me." I said trying to hold her still.

"No, just leave it alone and let me go." She said back to me.

"No." I yelled at her making her shake in fear.

I didn't want to lose control like she did and I had to let her go. She was fighting this much because I was reminding her of them. I put her down and as soon as I did she moved for the door. I moved pass her blocking the door and she just looked at me.

"I know you don't want to say it but I need you to talk Soraya." I said and she started to cry.

"Just let me leave." She said threw her tears.

As much as I hated making her cry I couldn't let her leave and I couldn't let up.

"They raped you Soraya." I said and her and she covered her ears moving back.

"No they didn't." She said moving back.

"Yes they did, they took your body with out you wanting it and scared you into not talking." I said to her as she sat down on the couch.

"I though I as cute wearing short dresses and heels, if I didn't want to be touched I shouldn't have dressed that way." She said coving her face.

"Tell me what happened? Why this happened?" I said moving to her but she moved back onto the couch so I stopped.

"I was adopted by them and after being there for about two months I loved them so much. Leon and Kenny both are older then me and at the time I had to be 12 and Kenny was 16. I never talked to him much or Leon who had to be 15, they never talked to me just looked at me. I wasn't feeling great in school so I just said fuck it and called mom. She told the school everything was fine so I walked home, just a block or two. Mom told me Kenny and Leon was home and I didn't want to go home but I had to. I walked in the door and Kenny saw me first and he went to Leon. I just went to my room ignoring them but they came into my room." She stopped as the tears flooded down her cheeks.

I walked over to her and she moved back but I still grabbed her arms. I ignored the tears coming down my on face because I need her to talk. This was the part I need the most her telling me that they did it to her.

"Keep talking Soraya." I said and she fought the tears.

"Kenny forced me down..." She said as the tears came heavier.

"He forced you to do what?" I said to her.

"He forced me down and Leon pulled up my dress..." She said pushing me away but I didn't move.

"Tell me what they did, look at me." I said forcing her head up and the tears broke my heart even if I was crying as well.

"Leon raped me first, took my virginity and then Kenny did. They did it every day and I never wanted to say anything because I was scared of them. I never wanted this and they did it anyway." She said putting her head down.

"When was the last time they did this to you?" I asked.

She gave me look telling me it was recent and I couldn't help but cry more.

"Yesterday." She said and I stood hitting the first wall that I could find.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want you to know and get hurt by them. I don't want to lose you and they will try to hurt you or but you in jail. I'm sorry Micah" She said making me turn to her.

"This isn't your fault." I said putting my head on the half broken wall.

I couldn't stand the though of them hurting her like this and having her so tricked. I have dealt with a lot being a lawyer but nothing has ever hurt me like this. I couldn't stop cry as I slid down on my knees feeling the pain of everything she told me. I looked back when I felt her arms wrap around my chest and I touched her hands.

"You don't ever have to worry about them again, I promise you they are going to rot in prison for what they did to you." I said looking over to the tape recorder and the two camcorder that I set up earlier today.

I have her telling me what they did to her and now I need to get everything else but right now I just need her. I had to stop crying them get her to stop as well, I hate seeing her this way but I'm happy she did it.

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