Chaper 11 ( from this chaper on still working on editing

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The cold fall breeze chilled my body as I stood outside the schools door as everyone has already made their way home all cuddled up in blankets.
"Come on lance " I mumbled to myself as I crossed my arms trying to keep warm.
I stared at all the track runners as they bolted around and around in circles. They were all so fast the freezing air could barley catch up to them.
"Watch out!!!" A voice shouted behind me, not reacting in time. My body almost came tumbling to the ground before a strong pair of hands wrapped around me. I looked up to see lance as he helped me stand on two feet. I looked at him as my words struggled to my brain. "Amber and Lindsay, why are you guys always knocking people down" lance laughed as two beautiful tanned skinned girls came jogging over. I turned around still little bit out of breath " I'm sorry about that my twin sister tends not to know when to stop" a girl with long curls smiles at me as she propped her skateboard up. "Hey I just wasn't looking " as a very similar girl with much more curls came up behind her. I smiled and nodded " it's fine just threw me off little" I looked at the both of them . "More like crashed you over , lucky I saved your life" lance laughed over exaggerating his words. The two girl rolled their eyes "I'm amber and this is my sister Lindsay" the beautiful girl smiled and I suppose the one with more curls in her hair was Lindsay. I lightly smiled at amber about to respond as Lance stole my words " this is Venus Caldwell " he stood next to me as if he was trying to show me off to them. I grinned  "yep that's me" I said to the girls. "You and yours girls lance " Lindsay laughed rolling her eyes once again. "Shouldn't you be going to find your boyfriend " lance groaned at her as he become very irritated by her presence. "Yes you're right unlike you I have someone " Lindsay growls giving him a fake smile before disappearing behind the school. Amber just stood there looking at him for a second. I caught her look as her browns eyes flashed a sense of guilt and hurt. Her eyes widen little taking a deep breath. "I should get going , it was nice meeting you .. Venus?" She lightly smiles as she became uncomfortable at the situation. I nodded in response as I stared at her wanting to ask her what she was so uncomfortable about "nice to meet you too" I smiled.
Amber quickly jumped on her board not wasting any time to get away. She disappeared behind the corner.  Why  did she seem so filled with guilt? , possibly for her sister crashing into me? That wasn't it,It was more than that ,more deep then just a simple accident.
"Venus you okay?" lance stared at me with his bright green eyes  as I turned to him "yeah just blanked I guess, so what did you want to ask me about " remembering why I was out here in the first place, lance wanted to tell me something. "Oh yeah , um I was wondering if you would like to come to my churches youth group Sunday?" He scratched the back of his head as his voice went low when he asked. I was little torn at the body begged me to say yes but something mocked in my ear to say no. Lance looked at me seeing I was choked up "how about I walk you home and we can talk about it" he smiles as my body breathed a sing of relief. "Um you sure , it's kinda far" I started to slowly to step a little bit away keeping eye contact. "Venus don't be silly , I'm walking you home " he laughed as he started to walk up the sidewalk.  I shrugged and started walk beside him.
Lance and I walked for bit as he told me all about his church about how they sing a bunch of songs and play pretty competitive games. He told me about how their leaders were so nice, but sometimes a stick in the mud when it came down to playing around. The last thing he said really caught my attention " God just made us one big family " I looked at him as he said this. Can God really do that? Just give you people who know you better than yourself and love you always?
"I don't really know about Jesus and God" the holy word was so natural on my tongue as I admitted it. Suddenly, lance eyes became even bright and his smile even bigger " but He knows you" his words hit my heart like a bolt of lighting. It felt as if something was Setting a fire in my heart , a flood of overwhelming emotion. Lance looked at me, he knew what was happening and he could feel it too. "So will you come Venus ?" He asked as our walk came to an end once we approached my apartment. "I think I will" I blurted out. The answer jumped from my mouth not then even giving my brain time to re-consider. He grinned and looked at me "I will pick you up at 5:30 Sunday evening " he said before walking away. He wasn't going to give up on asking me to go so I might as well just get it over with an attend a few times.
That night as I laid in my bed, my mind wanders off to think about the guilt that I saw flash within the girls eyes, she doesn't hide things well, and even if she did I would figure it out anyway. I have a gift of reading people, she would be easy to predict. Starting to let my eyes become heavy and shut, I realized that the lingering fire burning deep in my heart was still breathing. Is this God?

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