chapter 49

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Venus's P.O.V

" Are you ready to go for some more questioning" Ian asked me in such a kind manner, I have no idea what we are, all I need right now is peace and comfort, I don't need anymore of this crap and I don't wanna pull Fawn into this either so Ian is all I have at the moment. " not really but, it seems like there's no way out of this" I tried to force a laugh out but that seemed impossible. I started for the door getting ready to face the monster of a mother I have. Being at Ian's was only hiding from the struggles that I couldn't get away from. " Do you want me to call-" I cut him off before he could say the beautiful, auburn haired girl " no, she doesn't need to deal with this right now." he nodded not saying a word after.

Deep breaths, long, deep breaths I keep telling myself. 1.2.3. In and out, I can do this I can face her, I can confront her. I have to, for Jace. My Mother knew how to pull my strings, I can lie so easily for her, she used to have me wrapped around her finger. I only did it because of Jace, now, I don't have anything holding me back. " ready?" Ian grabbed my small, pale, cold hand. Nodding I stepped out of his truck slowly heading toward the police station. My feet where bricks, every step was incredibly heavy, I had to drag them against this cement that was just as broken as me. Swallowing hard I stepped into the horror place, Ians Dad was already ready leading me into the same room I was in before but, this time, he wasn't the only one who accompanied me. There she was, matted hair, wrinkled skin and the skin under her eyes were such a black that it looked like she purposely used dollar store make up to mask her true ugliness. The smell of cigarettes filled the small, dull room, slowly I sat down across from her trying to not lock eye contact. " Venus, tell us about you and your Mothers relationship" Officer Frost asked, " It's always been rocky, ever since I was a kid because she always put her psychotic boyfriends first" I mumbled taking a breath. I could feel her eyes trying to burn into my soul. " Venus, has your Mother ever hit you?" quickly I responded " no" that's the only thing my Mother did right, she never laid hand on my Brother and I. " your Mothers boyfriends hit you though, correct?" again I responded quickly " yes" this time I picked up my head that was so full of Shame looking into my Mothers eyes, she was not going to get away with this, my baby brother was going to get justice. " I know these are tough questions but, were you ever sexually abused by your Mothers boyfriends" the words stabbed my soul, the pain was shooting up my body, these are the secrets that I don't want out. My Mother gritted her teeth, I knew she didn't want me to even peep about the night she was so drugged up that her boyfriend decided to abuse and use my body instead. Hearing those words brought back to that small, trashy hotel room, the memory was so clear. Tears started to stream Down my face as I could see the dark haired man hovering over me covering my mouth, I can still feel his cold touch, I was only 14 and only heard about how great sex was in the movies but, now it's ruined for me, it was stolen away from me. " yes" I choked out biting my lip looking straight into my Mothers eyes. She only cared for herself.

" Ms. Cadwell, can you please tell us what happened the night of your sons death", this was the moment I was dreading, my ears were screaming at me to cover them but, I had to know the whole truth of that horrid night. " I tried to stop him, I did! He got angry at me because I didn't have money for him to buy any beer and...and he grabbed the baseball bat from my sons room and started to destroy our apartment. I tried to take it away when" my mothers voice started to crack, she was haunted by her own mistakes, she was haunted by Jace. " Jace jumped in the middle, I was already on the floor, he hit him, over an over, he hit him in the head and then, he killed him. Instantly" by this time my mother was balling and, so was I. the tears streamed down my face, there was no more words to say, it was all over now. Everything was out in the open and there was no taking it back. " I'm sorry I screwed up your life Vee, I'm sorry you never had a fair chance and I'm so sorry you raised Jace when that was my job. I do love you, please, please forgive me" spit was leaking from her mouth now combined with tears. Theres so many things I could release, she stole my childhood from me, she stole my purity, my sanity and my untouched heart. She ripped it all from my hands never giving me a chance to live, only the lesson of how to survive. The only thing I could say was " no, I will never forgive you" that's when the police carried her out of the room kicking and screaming like a child, she was never going to come back. Even if she tried, there was no way in hell I was going to let her creep back in. She was gone, for good. " Venus, your Mother will have a trial, from there the judge will decide what to do, as for the man, he will end up in jail and no where near you, however, this leaves you in a sticky place. You'll be 18 soon but, you're not yet and there's no other family here to go to, it's either or system or we find a home for you" Officer Frost said, I have no idea what to do, who to go to, who wants me? " for now, you can stay with Ian and I until we figure out something more serious okay?" I just nodded, I was done talking, there's too much to process and I cannot do this anymore, I need just a few minutes to collect myself.

" hey are you okay?" Ian said softly standing up, I couldn't speak I just ran right into his strong arms  burring myself in his chest, he's the only place I felt safe, he was so warm, kind, loving and sensitive. I needed Ian and I never wanted to let him go, I don't let people see me cry, I don't break in front of people but, I crumbled. I soaked his shirt, I was broken and it was okay. I had Ian and I had Fawn, the only one missing was Jace. Somehow I thought I could feel his small touch still, telling me it would be alright and it wasn't my fault. This couldn't be all my fault, my life circumstances couldn't be my fault. Please God save me, rip me from all of this, I needed God to just fix all of this because I sure couldn't, it's gonna have to take a miracle worker.

" I'm here Venus, shhhhh" Ian said quietly rocking me back and forth, hyperventilating he squeezed me tighter and tighter trying to calm me. There we stood, in the station, alone. Only Ian could silence my cries, he always knew I was scared to break, the thing was he wasn't shattered so he had time to help pick up my pieces.

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