job hunting supposedly

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lucy pov

I woke up to gorgeous sunshine shining through the window I looked at the clock it was 9am I yawned. I decided to go for a run clear my head from last nights nightmare. I put on a pair of black shorts and a pale pink vest top tied my hair up and ran out the door, before heading down by the beach I ran up through some houses first then back towards the beach. I was feeling out of breath and tired and stupid me forgot to bring some water. I stopped just before the lifeguard tower and bent down with my hands on my knees catching my breath.

Jesse pov

I was on ny lunch break I had headed out to grab a sandwhich walking back I noticed Lucy from behind running then stop leaning forward I slightly jogged over towards her.

"you all right? I asked

she jumped up looking a bit pale she tried to say something but before I knew she had fainted I catched her in my arms and carried her in to the tower.

"what happened" jumped up whippet

"its Lucy shes been running and she has just fainted outside"

I layed her on the bench and withing seconds she opened her eyes.

lucy pov

I opened my eyes to see anoyher pair of gorgeous eyes staring down at me

"what happened. ? I asked

"you fainted outside here have some water" jesse said

I sat up jesse handed me a cup of water then sat up next to me

"we keep meeting must be fate" laughed jessie giving me a slight prod in the side. I looked at him and smiled. we just looked in to each others eyes for what seemed forever

"oh hey Lucy" said Maxi coming over to me,

"hey maxi"

"everything ok? he asked looking concerned

"yeh I was running forgot to drink and fainted but luckily my night in shining armour here Jesse catched me" I said giving Jesse a cheeky wink. "anyway I best be off need to look for a job and dont want to hold you lot up doing your job"

I jumped off the bench and headed for the door.

"thanks again Jesse"

and I walked out the tower I let out a big sigh I couldnt stop the butterflies from going round in my stomach. I popped my headphones back in my ears and ran home to get showered and changed. I picked up the cvs I had printed out to hand in to places and walked back out the door.

I handed my cv and number in to many restraunts bars shops hoping someone would give me a call soon. I was just heading back home when my phone beeped I had a message I saw Jesse's name flash up on my screen. my heart nearly skipped a beat. I opened it and it read

hey how you feeling? me and some of the guys are heading to the icebergs around 8 so if you fancy it were be there :) x

I smiled and replied

yes I am feeling much better thanks. well I might see you there I owe you a drink x

I headed off home to try and figure out what I was going to wear.

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