the morning after

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I opened my eyes slowly to the sun blinding me, I squinted at the brightness. I let out a groan as I placed my hand on my head ow. I looked over at my watch it was 11am god I really need to start getting up early sort myself out. I walked in to the kitchen pulled out some painkillers and downed them with some water. I was remembering last night and wondered how the other guys were feeling. my phone beeped I picked it up I had two messages one from Maxi and one from Jesse. I opened maxis first it read

morning Lucy hope your head is ok. hope I wasnt to drunk and stupid last night :) xx

aww bless him I replied

morning Maxi head isnt to bad. you were fine quite sweet actually. :) xx

I then opened Jesse's text

morning beautiful hope your feeling ok this morning last night was fun  xx

I smiled to myself wow he called me beautiful I blushed and then replied

morning :) I am fine hope your feeling ok to, really enjoyed myself last night all of it ;)

just as I closed my phone down it rang I jumped as not many people knew my number. I answered the phone

"hello..yes that's me....yes of course...ok...brilliant thank you bye"

I jumped up in excitment one of the restraunt/bars I had handed my cv just called and wanted a chat about some work. I quickly jumped in the shower and got dressed in to a pair of black thin leggings and a floaty flower top put some ear rings and just some slight make up on. I left the apartment in excitment. as I reached the restraunt/bar it was right on the promanade and was such a buzzing place. I was inside for around 2 hours they gave me a trial and asked me if I wanted the job of course I said yes, I started the next day.

I looked towards the beach to see if I could spot Jesse there he was sitting inside the rino with Deano I walked over to him.

"Lucy hey" he said giving me a hug

"I got a job" I said excitingly

"ah wow where?

"the bucket list, I start tomorrow"

"I am really pleased for you hey meet me down here later about 7 when I finish, I got to go"

I saw jesse pull his tshirt over his head and run in to the water with the rescue board pulling a man from the water. wow he looked so sexy all wet with no top, I mentally slapped myself and walked off the beach.

really hope you are liking it so far have a few things planned coming up :)

A new start (bondi rescue)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें