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lucy pov

I reached the hospital, I found Lucy in the emergency department. I walked in to the cubical where she was laying on the bed a nurse was cleaning a few cuts she had on her face.

"jesse" I heard a weak voice say to me.

I walked over to her gently placing a kiss on her forehead.

lucy pov

as soon as I saw jesse walk in I felt so relieved. he walked over to me kissing me on the head.

"there your cuts are cleaned someone will come take you down to xray"the nurse said as she walked out.

"Lucy what happened. ? jesse asked

"it was james"

I could see the anger in his eyes. he rubbed his hand on my forehead

"I promise hes not going to come anywhere near you, have you told the police ?

'no please I dont want them involved"

'but lucy...

"were ready to take you to xray now"called one of the porter guys.

jesse pov

I was so angry, I watched lucy go off to xray. I was pacing up and down I could feel myself shaking with anger how could anyone do this to her. within 10 minutes lucy came back. and a nurse walked in.

lucy pov

"you have a broken wrist so were put some plaster on that. your pretty bruised so you really need to take it easy. have you got anyone that can help you out at home? the nurse looked at me with sympathy

before I could say anything Jesse stepped in

"yeh me..shes going to come stay with me"

the nurse gave him a smile

"ah thats sweet your a very lucky girl"  while the nurse put plaster on my wrist jesse just held my other hand. once the nurse left I turned and looked at jesse.

"did you really mean it that I can come back to yours?

"of course I did I wont take no for an answer, I am just going to go outside and ring hoppo"

I watched him walk away the nurse came in with my pain killers and gave me strict orders to rest. I was sat on the edge of the bed when jesse came back in.

"come on you" jesse held out his hand helping me off the bed. he placed one of his arms around my waist and the other holding my hand. he was so gentle with me it was so sweet.

"hoppo has given me the day off"

"ah thats nice of him, thanks for this jesse I really dont deserve it after I hurt you" I said looking up at him

"look just be quiet ok"

he helped me in to the car and he drove to his place.

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