feel so stupid

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lucy pov

I opened my eyes to bright sunshine shining through the window. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time it was 10.30 wow I must of been tired. I yawned and took a big stretch ouch I felt sore my bruises were turning different colours and were really noticeable. I suddenly remembered last night and that I tried to kiss Jesse god what must he think of me some desperate girl. I brried my head in my hands mentally slapping my self. right I needed to just put thay behind me and try think positive. I really needed some clothes. I chucked on the jogging bottoms of jesses and tshirt and walked in to the kitchen.  it was silent. on the side there was a note.

hey  hun hope you had a good night sleep I am at work today but your more then welcome to pop down say hello. Maxi is off today if you get bored.make sure you rest tho love Jesse xx

well he must of forgotton about the kiss to phew prob just put it down to me being a wreck. the thing is I still really liked him. I took out my phone and text  maxi.

hey maxi was wondering if you would come with me to my apartment to get some of my things :) x

within a few minutes my phone bleeped with a reply

hey lucy yeh of corse I will. I will come round to you in about half hour xx

I smiled I was very lucky these guys had been so nice to me and become such good friends of mine. I got in the shower still jumping In pain but I had dosed my self up on painkillers. I got dressed dried my hair pulled my fringe back from my face. there was a knock at the door I opened the door to be greeted by one handsome chap, maxi he gave me a big hug.

"you ready? he asked

"think so"

we walked out of jesses apartment and in to maxis car.

my hands were shaking I was getting really nervous the closer we got

"its all right lucy I wont let anything happen to u" he gave me a smile and squeezed my hand.

"he may of even gone" I said.

we pulled up to my apartment. maxi put his arm over my shoulders. we stood outside the door I couldnt hear anything.  I knocked a few times no answer. I took out my key maxi walked in first. we walked to my room maxi stood by the door as I grabbed as much stuff as I could. I was bundling it in to a suitcase I had. I couldnt help but brake down in tears on the floor. maxi came over putting his arms around me and holding me tight.

"hey come on its ok everything's all right now were all here for u." maxi said as he rubbed his hand on my back.

"its just what a mess this place holds a horrible memory for me I cant come back here but I can't stay with jesse forever" I sobbed in to maxis chest.

" come on jesse dont mind and if he gets sick of u you can come stay with me"

maxi passed me a tissue and I wiped my face.

"god I am so sorry I feel so stupid I really do. I am trying to put a brave face on but its just really hard"

"look you dont nees to with me were friends right" maxi winked I laughed

"thats better come on get your stuff and we can leave"

I packed all my stuff I couldnt bear the thought that I may have to come back

maxi pov

I held lucy tightly while she sobbed in to my chest. I know we hadnt known each other long but I felt really protective over her and just felt lile we had known each other for years. I really wanted her to be happy. and I was going to make sure she was.

lucy pov

. we loaded it in to maxis car.

"is it ok to stop by bondi so I can see Jesse?

"of corse"

maxi drove along to the lifeguard tower

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