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my breathing became heavier the man pushed me hard against the wall it wasnt till I opened my eyes when I realised who it was...James

"I will take my hand away if you promise not to scream" he whispered

I nodded. he took his hand away and I gasped for air.he hand hold of me so I couldn't go anywhere.

"I told u I would find you" his husky voice whispered in my ear.

"what are you doing here? what do you want. ? I said my voice shaking

"you" he loosend his grip from my arm

"sorry I didnt mean to hurt you " he suddenly changed to the nice guy that I once knew, I knew it was a front and he could change with a flick of a switch.

"I saw you earlier with some guys who are they? he asked looking tense

I swallowed " just friends of mine good friends"

"well I am here now, I am changed a new guy me and you can make a fresh start here" he said sounding happy.

"I..I...dont want to" I stuttered

his hand slowly began to get tighter around my arm.

"yes u do dont u .u know were meant to be together and there is no good running away because I will always find you."

he was right he would always find me there was no way out I would have to go back to how I was living miserable, but what about Jesse? I really like him, my new friends..

" you best tell those guys you wont be seeing them anymore you have me now you dont need anyone else"

I could feel tears stinging the back of my eyes and my breathing becoming shallow.

"but there friends...

"Lucy what do we say about friends you dont need them" he said as he tucked my hair behind my ears I shuddered at his touch. I couldnt tell Jesse and the guys the truth they would think I am damaged goods and proberly wouldnt want anything to do with me, knowing I have been beaten and worse of all rape.  a tear fell from my eye I quickly wiped it away.

" I am on my way to meet them now I can speak to them then" I said shivering I suddenly started feeling cold

"I dont think so come on u can show me where you live" he grabbed me tightly I was really fighting back the tears. your proberly wondering why I didnt just run, this guy has ruled my life for years I was petrified of him, I knew there was no hiding from him.

jesse pov

I looked at my watch it was 8.30

"hey maxi dont suppose you have heard from Lucy? I asked worried

"no not since earlier"

I took out my phone and sent her a text

hey hun was wondering if you were still meeting us for a drink? :) xx

after half hour still no reply, I stepped away from the lads and went outside I decided to ring her but it just rang and then went to voicemail. I put my phone back in my pocket and walked back over to where maxi harrison whippet dunno and kerbox were sat.

"did you manage to get hold of her? asked Maxi

"no she proberly fell asleep or something it was her first day at work I am sure I will hear from her once she wakes.

lucy pov

as we walked in to my apartment I heard my phone beep James hadnt heard it so I just ignored it.

"this is nice Lucy this will be great for us"

I couldnt help but feel my life was over  I thought I was going to be happy I thought things were going to be great with Jesse. now James was here I knew it was not going to be happy at all. James helped himself to drink and explored the apartment suddenly my phone started ringing I looked over at james who was sat on the sofa I walked over to the kitchen where my phone waa sat on the side, James got there before me and looked at the phone flashing on the screen was sexy Jesse. I saw James's eyes change. he grabbed me by my throat pining me against the wall

"just friends? you best tell him to leave you alone now." he said in an angry tone his grip getting tighter I could hardly breath. he slowly let go and I gasped for air. he walked back over to the sofa and I stood there catching my breath back and holding my neck. I was going to have to end everything with Jesse I can't take getting hurt like this. how I was going to do it I dont know.

hope you all like it please comment if you are :)

A new start (bondi rescue)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora