safe part 2

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it was about 7pm when Maxi arrived he also came with whippet deano and harrison. maxi came straight over to me hugging me.

"I am so glad your all right hope you dont mund I brought some of the lads with me they wanted to see you" smiked maxi pointing over the guys.

" no of corse not it's nice to have you all here"

each one gave me a hug I tried not to call out in pain as each one touched my bruises. they brought nibbles and drinks.

maxi held up some dvds

"thought we could watch a dvd your pick of corse" smiled maxi handing me the dvds.  I chose the lucky one I hadnt seen it before and zac efron I know looked really fit. thought it would make me feel good.

"hope you dont mind guys I chose a chick flick"

they laughed.

jesse and maxi walked off in to the kitchen to sort the nibbes and drinks out.

jesse pov

I walked off in to the kitchen with maxi behind me.

"you all right mate? asked maxi as he took some beers from the fridge.

"yeh just glad she is ok and safe. I dont want her going back there at all"

I placed some food in some dishes.

maxi patted me on the back.

"shes an amazing girl jesse dont let her go" he walked off in to the living room. I took a sip from my beer and followed behind. giving lucy a smile as I walked in. I sat next to her bringing her closer in to me.

"lets get the party started" I threw maxi the dvd to put on.

lucy pov

the film was really good as a bit of a rauncy scene came on the guys were being guys. I was cuddled in to jesses chest with one arm over his legs. I gently rubbed my fingers softly on his leg. as I did I felt his fingers gently rub on my arm. it sent shivers down my spine. and gave me butterflies in my stomache. his touch was just so gentle. once the film finished we sat around chatting and having a laugh. all the guys left around 11.30pm.

"its nice to see you looking happy" smiled jesse as he approached the sofa, he sat next to me but turning to the side gently running hus fingers through my hair, I looked up at him.

"Jesse I really appreciate everything you have done for me it means so much it really does, not sure how I am going to get my stuff bit scared to go back there"

" you dont need to worry about that me and the lads will take you there, hes not going to hurt you again I am not going to let him"

"why you being so nice to me Jesse? I dont deserve it"

"look I dont want you to mention anything like that again its forgotten and I know it wasnt your thought"

he smiled which made me smile, his eyes were just dreamy his smile was gorgeous he was the perfect guy. I leant in towards him to kiss him but to my surprise he moved back.

"lucy I dont want to take advantage of you, after everything you have been through"

I stood up as quickly as I could manage being in pain

"I am so sorry I should never of....sorry Jesse I am going to go to bed" I walked off towards the bedroom I could hear jesse call my name but I ignored it and went in the bedroom as soon as the door shut the tears came pouring out. how could I be so stupid why would he want me after what I did to him? and look at me all bruised and battered no one will want me. I crawled in bed covering my self right up.

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