make or break

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lucy pov

soon as 5pm came it was time for me to finish.

"good luck lucy" winked whippet

Deano came over to me and gave me a reassuring hug

"hope it goes ok"

I smiled and left I was so lucky all these guys had been amazing to me they were like all my big brothers.

I walked off to maxis as thats where my stuff was at the moment. I walked in the apartment Maxi was in the kitchen with Harrison I had no idea what they were doing.

"all right lads? I am going off to get ready" I shouted

I went and had a nice long shower shaving my legs and armpits.  I did my hair all nice slightly curled at the ends. I wore a blue lace short dress it was rather revealing but that's what I wanted. I wanted to show him what he was missing. I put some make up on and walked out to the living room where Maxi and Harrison were stuffing there faces with what looked like nachos.

they wolf whistled

"wow looking good"winked Harrison

"Jesse is one lucky guy" winked Maxi

I blushed

"thanks guys"

I poured myself a glass of wine to calm my nerves. it was 7.45pm

"I best make a move" I said

"did you want me to walk you there? asked Harrison

"aww thats sweet hun I will be fine thanks anyway"

I left and slowly walked to the icebergs I didnt want to be there first so took my time. I walked in and noticed Jesse at the bar wow he looked sexy he was wearing a black tshirt ans beige trousers his hair looked perfect was quite strange him not wearing a cap but he just looked scrummy.

ours eyes met and he gave me a smile as he stood up giving me a kiss on the cheek. I ordered a glass of wine.

"you look amazing" Jesse said as he looked me up and down.

my stomach had butterflies.

"thank you, your looking good yourself"

"shall we go find a place to sit? he asked

I nodded he took my hand and we walked over to a nice quiet spot by the window.

"before we start talking I want to forget about the past and what's happened. if your still interested in me...

he cut me off rubbing his hand softy on my arm.

"of course I am your the one I want Lucy"

I couldnt help but have a massive smile on my face.  we soon began to relax and talking, as the night went on it was like none of the bad stuff had happened.

he had explained exactly what Chloe was like and that she would do anything to split us up we just had to rise above it as long as we trusted each other thats all that matters.

"I will walk you back to Maxis if you like? asked Jesse

I nodded and we walked out hand in hand. we headed down on to the sand you could hear the sea and the air was warm. Jesse stood in front of me.

his hand came up to my face cupping my cheek he leaned down closer and I felt his warm lips touch mine, it just felt amazing straight away I put my arms around his neck and he moved his hands down my body to my waist, with one hand grabbing my bum.

the kiss seemed to go on forever none of us wanted to end it.

"I really want us to try again take it slow and really make it work" whispered Jesse

"oh Jesse me to" I said as I kissed him again.

we walked off hand in hand to maxis apartment.

"I wont come in but will see you at work tomorrow" Jesse winked pulling me in to another steamy kiss god I wanted him so badly I just wanted to strip him down and kiss him all over. god what am I thinking he would think I was a mad women thinking these dirty thoughts. and with that he said goodnight and walked away.

I gave a little silent girly scream and practily skipped in. I was surprised to see Maxi still up with harrison with about 10 cans of beer on the side.

"well hello Lucy" slured Maxi

"well you two look drunk"

I laughed at them sitting there watching mamma mia singing.

"I will speak to you two in the morning" I laughed

I walked off in to my bedroom I got a text from Jesse

hey beautiful had such a great time tonight I really like you I miss you all ready goodnight.xx

I smiled and replied

me to was a lovely evening.  miss you to goodnight gorgeous :) xx

I got in to my pjs and got in to bed I really wish he was here with me. I fell asleep with a big smile on my face.

hope your still liking it. :) I am also doing anther story as well if you like zac efron its for you its called love at first site and is on my profile if you want to have a read. thank you for all the votes means a lot :) 

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