lets do this

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Maxi had left in the afternoon to go back to his to get ready. it was 5 oclock I was just grabbing some toast in the kitchen. Jesse came over

"hey you going tonight? he asked

"yes I am" I said as I pulled the toast from the toaster on to my plate.

"I am glad" he smiled.

just then Chloe came out from the bathroom. I picked my plate up and walked in to the front room.

chloe followed me closely by Jesse.

"so do you fancy Maxi" asked Chloe as she plonked herself on to Jesse's lap.

"no were just friends"

"well dont get your hopes up to much I mean you come with a bit of baggage you know and I think he likes slimmer girls"

"I have heard enough" I stood up threw my plate on the side and went off in to my bedroom.

Jesse pov

I watched as Lucy got up walking off to her room I pushed Chloe off my lap standing up.

"seriously chloe you need to keep your mouth shut your well out of order"

I was so annoyed

"I am going for a shower" I walked off to my room. 

lucy pov

I sat on my bed I got my phone out to text Maxi the tears rolled down my face.

I am not sure I can do this tonight, no one is going to kiss me. chloe been nasty again she was teasing me about us then started slagging me off saying what girls you go for I am now sat here crying... xx

I got up to get a tissue to wipe the tears away I cant let that silly cow get to me. my phone beeped it was Maxi

what an absolute cow dont listen to her Lucy your amazing. Jesse knows this to. I have told the guys the plan Harrison jumped at the chance to kiss you so hes ya guy :)

I smiled at the thought Harrison jumping up to kiss me he was such a cute guy I just hope it worked.

thanks Maxi :) I am going to get ready in a minute may take me a while ;) xx

your beautiful anyway will come to yours for half 6 I will bring Harrison so we can get the ball rolling ;)

I smiled I put my phone down and went and got in the shower. I picked out a nice dress it was black with red at the top and was low cut and fitted tightly to my body. I made sure I wore a push up bra so my cleavage was really revealing.  I kept my hair down and put some make up to try and cover up my bruise.

I could hear Maxi, Kerbox and Harrisons voice in the living room along with Jesse and Chloe. I took a deep breath and walked out to them. Jesse nearly choked on his drink as he saw me.

"wow Lucy your look stunning" said Maxi as he gave me a hug

"thank you" I blushed

Harrison gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"you look gorgeous" Harrison said and he gave me a cheeky smile.

kerbox gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Jesse pov

I saw Lucy walk out her room just as I took a sip of my beer and nearly choked. she looked absolutly gorgeous my stomache was doing flips and my heart was racing I just wanted to hold her perfect body.

lucy pov

"shall we go then? suggested Maxi

Harrison pulled out his arm slightly and I linked arms with him as we walked ahead. we were having a right giggle.

Harrison pov

Lucy looked amazing it was pretty obvious that I found her fit. and as soon as maxi said the plan I jumped at the chance to kiss her it was going to be my only chance.  we walked together to the icebergs.

lucy pov

we all got drinks and sat around together whippet was there with his girlfriend deano, dunno hoppo and harris. they were all in on the plan. Jesse sat with chloe but he really didnt look happy I felt my phone vibrate. I took it out and was shocked to see a message from Jesse.

you look amazing :) xx

I looked up and mouthed thank you to him and he smiled.

eveyone was up and down dancing and getting drinks chloe ended up being next to me.

"you look like a slut" she said

I could see Jesse's eyes on me

"get lost and leave me alone" I said raising my voice

I stood up looking towards Harrison grabbing his hand.

"come on come and have a dance"

I dragged him up on the dancefloor.

jesse pov

I watched Lucy go up on the dance floor with harrison. chloe had got uo to go and talk to some friends of hers. I watched Harrison wrap his arms around her waist. Lucys arms were around his neck. watching them made my blood boil they were only dancing but she just looked amazing.

lucy pov

me and Harrison were dancing.

"you all right with doing this? I asked him

"oh yes your fit" he smiled I couldnt help but laugh 

"right well we need to crack this up a gear just go with it if you want your hands to wander go for it" I saw Harrisons face go a light pink colour.

Maxi pov

I was sat next to Jesse with a great view of Harrison and Lucy.

"you all right mate? I nudged Jesse


he had his arms crossed looking at Harrison and Lucy.

I noticed Harrisons hands wander over Lucys body on her bum and there faces were really close. Jesse seemed to drink his beer quicker.

Jesse pov

chloe came and sat next to me

"hey sexy"  she placed her hand on my leg

I brushed her hand off I really didn't want her affection.

"not now chloe"

I looked at Harrison and Lucy they were really close  within seconds harrison and Lucy were kissing for what seemed like ages. my heart sunk I couldnt take much more of this I downed my beer and went up to the bar.

hope you are enjoying it if there is anything you want to happen or have any questions just comment. thank you for reading :)

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