Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


When I woke up, my head hurt worse than anything I've ever felt before.

It was like my brain was tripling in size and was pushing on the insides of my skull, ready to burst at any moment.

I put my hands on my temples and tried to rub them but it didn't help.

I was lying on my back, with my legs uncomfortably under my bum.

As I returned to my senses and I was finally able to open my eyes, the first thing I saw was wooden mesh on what I guessed was the ceiling.

I thought it strange so I sat up and immediately banged my head on the top.

"Ow!" I screamed as my headache increased tenfold.

Sitting (or should I say slouching) up made me notice that I was surrounded by the same wooden mesh on all four sides.

"Oh no," I thought, "I'm in a cage"

And that's when I remembered why.

Kat had found me! Or... I found Kat!

And she was confronting Pan!

And she was bleeding. . . Oh God, she was bleeding a lot!

Panicked, I peeked through the tiny opening in my cage and saw a similar one hanging next to me.

Great. I'm not even on the ground.

There was somone in the cage, sleeping, but I couldn't tell who.

"Kat?" I yelled in a hushed whisper.

"Kat is that you?"

No response.

"Kat!" I yelled a little louder.

The person in the cage slowly began to move and then suddenly sat up with a start, making the same mistake I did.

"Crap!" a girl's voice said.

"Kat is that you?"

The girl also peeked through the mesh and called back.

"James? Ohmygod, are you ok? What happened? Last thing I remember I was lying on the floor and Pan was talking to me."

"I'm fine. And I don't know what happened! Pan healed your cut thing, which really freaked me out by the way, and you passed out. I was kneeling next to you when I got really tired and fell onto you. Next thing I know I'm in here."

Kat took a minute to look at her wound.

"Well this thing isn't fully healed. It's a lot better but, it still hurts a lot"

I was about to respond when I heard footsteps approaching our cages. Kat heard them too.

"James, pretend to be asleep. Do it now, before they see you!" She whispered forcefully.

"No! What is that going to do?"

"NOW James!"

I obeyed from fear of worrying her and lied back down, "closing" my eyes.

I heard the footsteps below us, and felt my cage being lowered. I looked over and saw Kat's was too.

When we hit the bottom I closed my eyes again.

"The boy's still out" I heard Felix say close to me.

I also heard Pan snicker.

"Oh but little Kat isn't."

I opened my eyes slightly and saw Pan opening the door to Kat's cage, "Why don't you come out and play?" he said as he stuck a hand in the cage.

Then Kat reluctantly took it and was yanked from the cage.

Mine was hoisted back into the air and I heard them walk away.


(Before James woke her)


Running. I'm running. The trees are whipping my cheeks, leaving tiny scratches. The roots reaching out to pull me to the ground, but I skillfully avoid each of them.

Ahead of me I see an opening and I run to it. I turn around and notice James isn't there.

"James!" I yell back to an empty space.

I keep running until I reach the opening. Then I stop when I see James with his back to me.

I run up to him,

"There you are!" I say.

But as James turns around I notice that it's not James, but Pan.

I quickly back away and pull out my sword,

"Where's James?" I ask.

Pan laughs a thunderous laugh and throws his head back.

Out of his mouth a black smoke starts spewing until there is a big cloud of it above his head.

Then he falls to the floor and I watch as his body is pulled into the dirt.

The black smoke shapeshifts into a shadow with two glowing, yellow eyes, and no feet.

Just floating in mid air.

I'm scared but also amazed so I just stand there, unmoving.

It puts its hand out, offering it to me.

In a deep and shady voice it says,

"You want to destroy Pan. You want to watch him suffer. You want him to feel what you felt, and you want him gone."

"Who are you?" I ask, my lip quivering.

"Just take my hand Kat".

I'm reaching for his hand when I faintly hear someone yelling my name.

Little by little I'm pulled away from the shadow.

Then the world starts to come into focus and I sat up quickly.

I immediately slam my head on something and yell "Crap!".

Then I heard James calling my name and I look over to discover we're both trapped in cages.

A/N: Woo! This one's a bit longer! How'd you guys like it? Maybe you can hit that vote button if you did :)

Thanks guys! More will be posted tomorrow! And just a little back info on Kat and her Bro.

Kat is 15

James is 12

Hope this helps a little!

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