Chapter 43: Breakdown

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After we finished our breakfast of pixie pairs and mallow fruits from Tinkerbell's satchel, we just sat around the fire.

It wasn't cold, or dark, but just sitting there in silence was nice.

I had my head rested against a log.

The dream last night with the Shadow had me worried. Peter was coming, and if he saw James, he'd just kill him again. I had to find him first. But that's the probelm. You don't find Peter, he finds you.

My best bet was to be prepared for a fight and practice as much as I could with my magic.

The sky above me was now a brilliantly light blue. Clouds were scattered here and there, and the sun shone down on us. There was a slight breeze that rustled the trees and created a noise that sounded like music.

An idea hit me.

"Guys," I sat up, "Do you mind if I try something?"

Tink was leaning against James and him against her. I inconspicuously rolled my eyes again.

"Sure, what is it?" James asked.

I sat cross legged and faced them.

"Just, hold onto your hats."

They both exchanged confused glances but I paid no attention as I set to work.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. What was it Shadow said that controlled air?


That could technically be taken many ways, but I took it as passion as in love. So I imagined Deven sitting next to me, holding my hand. I invisioned the wind getting stronger and stronger until finally, it did.

I felt it pick up and throw my hair across my face. I opened my eyes to see the trees tilting sideways and the leaves flying off in bucketloads. Tink and James had dropped to the ground, shielding their heads from the wind. The dirt around us was picked up and moved with the wind. The fire had been blown out and every flower near us had been ripped out of the ground.

I couldn't believe my own eyes. I smiled wide and released the energy, and the wind died down.

Tink sat up and looked at me with dazzled eyes. Her hair was stuck in an odd position and so was James's.

"Woah." Tink laughed.

"I need to practice them more often. I want to be able to defend myself, and you guys." I said.

"Well by the looks of that, you can blow someone three miles away." James replied.

I smiled but soon I became serious, "James, I know you said mom's book had some stuff that would be difficult for me to read, but I have to read it. There's going to be a day I confront Peter and I need to know exactly what my powers can do."

Slowly, he shook his head in agreement, "I know."

He reached into his shirt and pulled out the book. When I took it from him, he stopped me.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

I nodded, took the book, and walked away from the camp. I sat down on a rock at the base of a tree. The same tree I kissed Deven near the first time.

Wait. Deven never showed up last night.

Panick swelled through my body and I noticed my hands start shaking. I ran back over to the camp to see Tink in a deep conversation with James and grinning intensely.

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