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"No boys allowed." Penelope placed a hand on her hip as she stood from her pedestal—podium. Her celeste eyes narrowed on Levi as she motioned to the audience of fellow student council/administration students. "So if you'll do us all a favor and fuck off, that would greatly be appreciated."

"I have an agenda here saying the meeting was suppose to be over right now. So I guess I'm not the only one who enjoys wasting everyone's time."

Before Penelope could verbally assault him, Artemis grabbed his arm, motioning for her to continue. With an exaggerated sigh she began to go on about some fundraiser they didn't need.

"Although there's no rule against fellow student administration members from being at meetings, something tells me you don't care about when our open house is."

"You got that right," he said as they exited the hallway. "I actually wanted to talk to Jemma. Is she around?"

"She's off with Theodora to go shopping for decorations for our Second Look Day. But I think she just wanted to get out of the meeting honestly." She shrugged.

"Well, I don't blame her," Levi crossed his arms. "So is that it? You just let Penny run the place despite all of her alleged evilness?"

Artemis raised an eyebrow. "I take it you didn't find her video to be as name clearing as she did?"

"I think it's just obvious that there's more to the story." Levi's eyes shifted to some girls leaving the lecture hall. He patted Artemis' shoulder, motioning for her to move toward a crook in the hallway so they would remain unseen. "And as much as I hate prying, something about all of this has been bugging me."

Artemis gulped, but forced herself to appear calm. Great, last thing she needed was another Olive. She scratched her head before nodding. "Shoot."

Levi began with a sigh. "I don't think Soren was responsible for that video of Miren." As he watched Artemis roll her eyes, he raised his hands in defense. "I'm not trying to be his wingman or anything because he is a royal douche, but he vented to me about it. But since we're not best friends or anything, I think he restrained from telling me who he actually thinks is responsible."

Artemis blinked. She didn't like where this was going. "Is that why you wanted to talk to Jemma? Do you think she was involved?"

"I don't doubt that she released that sex video, but it's hard to say." He shrugged. "Still, I think it's worth pursuing the truth for Soren's thing. I'd blame that new girl that's all gun-ho about clearing Miren's name, but didn't she just start?"

"Yeah," Artemis admitted, her brain surging.

"Anyway, I was just going to ask her about when we should start planning for prom." He wrinkled her nose. "Then again, I wanted to ask her why Jeno seems so down in the dumps. I know he and Theodora just broke up, but he was the one who did it."

"I don't know," Artemis said, sort of glad that they were reaching neutral territory. "I spent most of the party attached to Theodora's hip. Did you know that he broke up with her at the Sadie's Hawkins dance? What an asshole move."

"Maybe there's someone else he wants to be with." Levi smirked devilishly. "I saw him dancing with Penny. Go figure, right?"

Artemis gritted her teeth. It was bad enough that she stole Parker from Miren. Now Jeno from Theodora. This was getting ridiculous! "Not that I don't appreciate the heads up, but why are you telling me all of this?"

The Class Reject: A Martyr in Maelstrom (Book III)Where stories live. Discover now