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Miren just blinked at him like he—like all her problems—would disappear.

"I mean, it makes perfect sense," Edsel rationalized, like he was a scientist, not an asinine principal. "Other than the whole charade at the Rising Scholar Splash Fest Assembly, homecoming marked the true start of this hell. If I'm partial to your response, then we can draw this witch hunt to a close." He turned to the audience. "Wouldn't you all love to leave and get prom back?" The students started roaring for Miles to tell the truth. Miren sucked in a breath.

Kill me.


"You're reaching, Roger," Jeno then said, moving toward Miren. "I trust you're above obtaining a false confession from one of the only civilized students at our school."

"I didn't force him to say anything." Edsel shrugged. "So unless you want to incriminate yourself as well, I suggest you stand back."


"Edsel's right," Miren spoke firmly, refocusing her attention on the headmaster. "If you must know, I have violent tendencies. As Soren suggested, I got closer to the populars because I wanted revenge. I got into a big fight at my last school with the guy who bullied me, and I pushed Artemis because I overheard her discussing how much she "helped" Miren and got pissed at how overly self-righteous she seems," she explained. "To make matters worse, I also gave Jeno the black eye he's sporting right now." There was a collective gasp in the audience. She rolled her eyes. "So yeah, I'm as guilty as they come. Let me sign the papers and I'll happily disappear."

She watched the headmaster rub his chin in contemplation before nudging toward the exit. "Alright, follow me."
The walk of shame was more sobering than shameful. More peaceful than jarring. For once, there was the slightest bit of clarity. She would calmly come clean to Dr. Edsel in his office.  Then she would leave Rinzen—maybe even Gloveria. She didn't know what was in store for the future, but she didn't fear it—not like she did the present.

"Enough." When Miren looked up, she noticed Parker was standing in front of the exit. It was silly for him to think he stood a chance between the two bodyguards that may or may not have been on steroids, but he stood his ground. " I was the one who pushed Artemis. I thought she was Penelope.

"I was pissed that she was more concerned about losing homecoming queen than the fact that Miren's was missing. I followed her to confront her about this and lost my cool." He shook his head, unable to hide the fact that the rest of his body was shaking so much. In rage or in fear that his false confession felt a little bit too true -  it was hard to tell.

He clenched his fist, his knuckles whitening. "I hate her so much, and maybe that makes me a terrible person, but I can never forgive her for indirectly killing miren. If ruining her ruins me, so be it. I released the sex tape, I hacked Soren's computer, and I obtained confidential hospital footage for the documentary without Olive's knowledge. Everything that has happened has been under my command." His hazel eyes, strong and persuading, met Miren's gaze. She almost winced at the intensity. "Miles is too good of a person to let his friends take the fall for something, even if he's innocent in everything. He's probably the most upstanding person here. And I can't allow him to be taken advantage of."

Dr. Edsel pursed his lips in modest consideration before clasping his hands. "Now that's a confession I can believe. Follow me, Mr. Harisson." The gym drowning in a sea of rioting. Some were still convinced their homecoming king was innocent. Most were just upset they still hadn't been given the cue to leave yet.

But Miren was frozen. She stood there like a statue as the students and faculty eventually filed out of the space. She saw Penelope, stone-faced but emotionally shattered, exit in silence. Artemis looked like she wanted to cry from frustration. Jeno flash in her field of vision, and Olive immediately taking his hand, the both of them moving in front of her.

The Class Reject: A Martyr in Maelstrom (Book III)Where stories live. Discover now