Meeting The Joker

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"So what did square jaw want?" AJ asked Avery

"AJ c'mon, you know it wasn't his fault," she said walking down the alleyway with AJ next to her

"He wanted to check on us," she stated simply

AJ opened his mouth to respond when the sound of a deep, raspy voice cut him off before he even started

"Renee, when Batsy gets here, then we'll have fun," the voice said

She slowly walked around the corner, her hand on her holster

What made her eyes widen was the sheer look of this man.

He had face paint on, no doubt. Green hair, scars decorated the sides of his mouth giving him a Glasgow smile. But what really drew her to him was his eyes. They were a blue/grey/green all in one colour. There was the usual madness and unpredictability, but as she looked closer, she could see the calm look.

He intrigued her

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He intrigued her.

Next to him was a blonde girl, Avery could tell she was the Harley Quinn of the new era.

Then there was a pale, girl with raven hair who walked up to Renee and kissed her square on the lips.

Avery nearly dropped herself at the sight

"Paige, no making out on the job," he grimaced.

AJ looked at her and motioned they'd go around the back she nodded and flew up the opposite side of the building.

AJ walked in front of them first

"Oh look girls, it's Batsy," Joker said crazily laughing before he got serious real quick

"You come here by yourself Batsy, no back up? No plans?" Joker asked, his smile widening

Avery took this as her cue and jumped off the building landing on her feet

"Ooh, your new, I like it," Joker said smiling maniacally at her

She rolled her eyes as Renee and Paige stepped in front of Joker

"You know, I never really liked making friends," she said ducking a kick from Paige and a punch from Renee before she floored them both and held them both in a sleeper hold.

She could feel her brother smirking, and somehow she knew Joker was too.

She watched as AJ decimated the Joker, he just kept laughing and cackling. He raised his hand and AJ was thrown into the air

Then he walked up to her smiling crazily

"Hello beautiful," he drawled, if she was being honest, his voice though gravelly was charming

"Can you let my friends down baby girl?" He asked stroking her cheek she growled as he did before she let go an unconscious Paige and Renee and swung at him barely missing him when he ducked

"Whoa there tiger, you wanna know something, Batsy is a bit uptight, but you, your special, I like this fire you seem to have buried, and I'd like to unleash it," he whispered dragging his finger on her cheek

"Too bad that won't happen right?" She said turning hitting him with a heel kick. He stumbled back and grabbed his jaw and hissed before he starting cackling

"See! There! That fire!" He exclaimed throwing his arms up

"Call me," he said giving her a joker playing card.

"How bout you never call me," she replied grinning as he began walking away before she threw a batarang at him and it pinned him up against the wall where he smiled

"3," he started counting she looked at him funnily

"2," he continued before she could ask, he smirked at her

"1," he finished as she felt her brother's body weight hit her full force making her fall over, him landing atop her

"Thanks for the entertainment Batsy, you too gorgeous, see you round," Joker said

Before any of them could react, green smoke filled the alleyway and the joker, Renee and Paige were gone

Avery groaned and pushed AJ off sitting up and putting the card in her vest pocket. They stood up and you could believe, it was very tense in the batmobile.

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