Telling Joker

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Avery slowly walked into the warehouse with Joker's leather jacket clasped tightly against her shoulders

She blinked slowly as he made her way to their semi-shared bedroom

She walked in slowly and closed her eyes slightly as she saw Jon with tears running down his cheeks and he ran his hand over his scar

Jon stifled a sob as he watched his scar

His eyes caught hers and he quickly wiped his tears and swiveled around looking at his baby girl

"Avery," he started

She put her hand up and slowly walked towards him, she took his face in her hands and looked at him

"Your beautiful," she assured him
"You don't have to know you're beautiful, I love you and your beautiful to me," she told him he smiled and kissed her lips

"I need to tell you something," she said hesitantly

He tilted his head

"I kissed Randy." She said simply

Jon took a deep breath and rolled his neck

"On purpose?" He asked slowly

She looked at him and played with the hair at the back of his neck

"No. I promise, I would never do anything to hurt you Jon, I love you," she spoke

"So you don't feel anything for Randy?" Jon asked her

Avery sighed and looked Jon straight in his eyes

"No. I love you. And only you, till death do us part, I love you Jonathan Dean Good," she promised

He grinned and then pressed his lips to hers.

Jon spent the night erasing Randy's lips from Avery's memory😉😉

And boy, he did a great job.

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