I Miss My Beautiful Okay?!

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It had been one week, one whole week that Batman fought Joker by himself without Avery

Joker sat in his recliner on his lanai looking at the moon, again he found himself thinking, the Dark Princess on his mind and he was again twirling the batarang between his fingers, sighing and running a hand through his hair

"Mistah J," he heard a voice say

He turned his head slightly but not looking at whoever had interrupted him

"What?!" He yelled

"Are you okay?" He heard another voice, this one was British

Renee and Paige. He growled

"What's it to you?" He snarled

"Well you've been spinning that batarang all day since you've been to the Smile&Grin, did something happen?" Renee asked
Joker opened his mouth to reply but he decided against it and closed his mouth and simply looked back at the night sky and kept twirling the batarang in his hand

"Nothing," he replied to them, shaking his head

"C'mon Mistah J," insisted Paige

"I told you, nothing," he replied snarkily

"Mistah J, we're just worried about you," Renee justified making the Joker angrier than he was

"I miss my beautiful okay?!" He shouted eager to get away from the couple's eyes

Renee and Paige sat there, jaws slacked and eyes wide, Joker shoved past him and into his room

Renee and Paige hadn't moved from their position

"The Joker...likes someone?" They asked each other in unison

Avery looked at the card on her bed and sighed. He was a murderer. He enjoyed other people's pain and suffering. He was the clown prince of crime.

But, despite all that, she still couldn't stop thinking about him

She sighed and rubbed her hands over her face falling back on the bed

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