The Torture Begins

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Day 1

Avery was humming a silent song, when she jumped, startled as the door hit the wall making the hinges rattle.

She held her breath before letting it out. Saddened that it wasn't her clown, she hung her head

"Why so glum chum?" Riddler asked lifting her chin

She violently pulled away from his sickening touch

"Stay away from me!" She shouted

He frowned

"One day you'll learn to love me darling, and when you do, we'll be married," Riddler said

Was he crazier than the Joker?

Avery rolled her eyes at her thought

Nobody is crazier than her Clown Prince.

She quickly locked her cold, blue eyes on Riddler

"Fat chance. The only pleasure I'll see you in will be seeing you suffer a slow, painful death, then watching you rot in hell, cuz the only man for me, the only man I'll ever love is, The Clown Prince of Crime, the one and only, Joker," she punctuated the few words

That earned her a slap

She hissed as her head jolted sideways.

She growled and struggled against the chains.

"You will learn to love and obey me!" Riddler shouted walking through the door

"Fuck you!" She called back

Only his sick laughter followed his form

She hung her head and sighed. One thought running through her mind

Rescue me quickly, my love.


The Joker pounded frantically on Batman's door

"What?!" AJ shouted as he pulled open the door

"Avery's been kidnapped," Jon rushed showing AJ the ransom note

Because of AJ's sleep deprivation, his mind was functioning way slower.

"What?" AJ asked again

Joker rolled his eyes

"Riddler. Has. Kidnapped. The. Love. Of. My. Life." Jon punctuated

"We hafta find her," they both said at the same time

Jon nodded and walked inside the house where they began to plot.

To get back an important woman in both of their lives.

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