AJ Stop!

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Avery sat down on the garden bench sighing.

She wished she could forget about the Joker, but she couldn't.

Her eyes glowed as she was tossed back into the past


Hoping to fall into an eternal sleep

She closed her eyes but she could still hear what was going in around her. She could make out who was carrying her. But she didn't know them.

"I'll take it from here," she heard a very familiar voice say

"Like I'd trust you with Batman's sister," the voice from above her replied

"She's mine, get your hands off of her," the second voice growled

She was jostled around abit before she felt herself snuggle into a comfy leather jacket.

Nicotine and sharp spice gave her comfort.

The person started walking, her face scrunched with apprehension

She grabbed onto the material of the jacket and dug her face into the chest of the familiar stranger.

A deep chuckle from above her had her head spinning, making it hurt more

"Rest now beautiful, we'll be home soon,"

Hearing the voice made her instantly relax


With that thought, she let her head relax and fell asleep in his arms.

End flashback

She gasped as her eyes returned to normal.

She was used to this happening, but with the future, never the past. She slapped a hand to her forehead and took several deep, calming breaths

"You know she's in love with that damn clown freak and your not saying anything, and you wonder why you didn't get the world's greatest father award," she heard the most familiar voice scream

"Dammit AJ," she muttered, getting up and walking into the house

Her dad sat at the table just watching as AJ berated and embarrassed him

"I would be embarrassed to know my daughter was in love with the most well known criminal in Gotham," AJ said shaking his head. Avery folded her arms

"AJ, I still don't think I gave you the right to have any say of what I choose to do in my life and as far as embarrassment goes, where's Penelope?" She said smirking at her brothers shocked face

"You're not my dad AJ, your my brother, start acting like it," Avery said

AJ growled and pointed a finger in John's face making him flinch

"This is all your fault!" AJ screamed yanking John up by the front of his shirt

Avery gasped.

She knew John would never hit AJ but she couldn't promise AJ wouldn't hit John

AJ raised his fist

"AJ stop!" Avery screamed shooting a flame at AJ who instantly shot back to escape the flame

AJ looked at her in shock. Avery looked at him

"Daddy didn't do anything, you're just a jerk. Stop blaming him for your mistakes!" She shouted before she for dangerously close to AJ

"And if you ever raise your hand at my father again," she growled

"Next time, I won't miss," she promised

She stepped back and brightly smiled at him

"Now please leave, thank you," she said he looked at her then at John then back at her. He growled and stormed out. She scowled and then turned to John

"You okay daddy?" She asked him, rubbing his shoulder

He looked up at her and gave an affirmative nod

"I'm just gonna lie down okay?" He asked standing up she opened her mouth but after seeing the look on her father's face, she closed it and nodded and he proceeded up the stairs.

"Goodnight!" He called she replied and then ran a hand through her hair

She knew after that fiasco, her dad was exhausted emotionally.

Thank god mom had gone to her twin sister's house to spend the night.

She huffed and raked a hand through her hair

Again, her heart is slowly breaking and she has to fix everybody else's.

Joker had been in his private gym decimating the punching bag.

He growled and looked at the batarang that was sitting on the bench where his towel was

He brought the punching bag to his chest and grasped it

And for the first time in a long while. He could hear his heart breaking and cracking.

He growled. He would never hit a woman, so he took the anger he possessed from Paige and took it out on the punching bag

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