The Best Of Us

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It was after lunch time. Jok-er, uh, Jon, had made her salad and soup. He had actually fed her. She had laid down with him when a wave of nausea hit hard. Avery hopped to her feet and ran into the bathroom feeling her lunch ready to escape. She instantly threw up and then felt a soft circular rubbing motion on her back and a hand keeping her hair from falling in her face.

After she was finished, she leaned against the counter with her knees against her chest and her elbows on top of them. She felt like shit. And she was scared that she looked as bad as she felt.
"Wanna go out on the lanai?" Jon asked at about 8 at night

She nodded smiling at him.

He took her hand and lead her outside.

She sighed as she felt her fever coming back

When they sat down, he looked at her,

"Can I ask you something?" He said making her look at him

She nodded meaning he could

"When I was putting you in bed last night, I saw your tattoo, can you explain it to me?" He asked tilting his head and widening his eyes, he looked like a cute little puppy

"AJ and I grew up as orphans, but, our parents are John and Nicole Cena," she replied Jon's eyes widened

"Can I ask you something now?" She asked him

He smiled and nodded

Avery slowly, tentatively reached over to him and traced her index finger over his scar. He exhaled softly allowing her to trace his ugly scar

"How did I get the scar?" He smirked figuring out her question, he raised his hand for her to take, which she did. He pulled her into his lap

He took her hand and placed it back on his face

"When I was really little, about 6 or 7, my dad was the original Joker, Jack Napier, he uh, was actually crazy, he um used to beat me and my mom Gladys alot, there was never a day we didn't get beat, one day he came home drunk and that by itself was a horrible combination. He pulled out a gun and held it to her forehead and said if I wanted her to live, put a razor in my mouth and press it through my cheek. I did. And he still shot her with me watching. So all I had left, was a psycho dad and a hideous scar on my cheek." He finished sighing

She stopped tracing it and brought her lips to it and kissed it until she reached the end of it.

"Its not hideous, it makes you beautiful and it makes you look tough," she said smiling at him

He smiled back

"I still tried to be the best Joker I could've been, tried to continue the legacy, be as crazy as possible. I've never told anyone that story before, I trust you more than I've ever trusted anybody," he told her

She smiled and tilted her head

"Why do you trust me so much anyway?" She asked him, playing with the button of his purple shirt that didn't have one button holding it together.

He took his index finger and brought her chin up so that blue met blue

"Because I love you." He said, slowly smiling

She smiled so wide

"I thought the Clown Prince of Crime didn't fall in love?" She asked him he grinned

"Even the best of us fall in love with our soulmates," he replied

That earned him a night of cuddling and kisses

Wrapped safely in his arms, she closed her eyes and breathed in.

Sharp spice and cigarette smoke had her hazy. He smelt so good.

She couldn't help think about AJ, I mean, he was her brother after all.

Her eyes widened as she saw her hands glowing blue and black and her fever came stronger than it ever came.

Jon wrapped her closer in his arms and just like that, her fever was gone and her hands retuned to normal. She closed her eyes and cuddled into his broad, muscled chest. She was lulled to sleep by the sound of his steady heartbeat.

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