Stay Away From Me!

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Avery sat in her room, all the thoughts running through her mind were about one man. Joker.
She thought about his invite to his club, she didn't know why, but she wanted to be near him and delve into what made him, him. What made the Joker tick? How did his mind work? Did he know about emotions?

She weighed the pros and cons of the situation. The pros were good enough

1. She would see Joker
2. She could dissect Joker's mind
3. She could find out just how twisted he really is
4. She would finally be able to figure out what this whole thing is.

The pros outweighed the cons

1. She could get killed
2. AJ could find out

But in her moment of confusion and determination to figure out what was really going on with her and the Joker, against her better judgement, she slipped on a dress and her combat gloves and her black louboutins

As she was brushing her hair out, she suddenly grew nervous. This nervousness pissed her off. She was never vulnerable. Why was she suddenly acting like a pathetic puppy?

She shook her head and pulled her sleeve over her Superman tattoo and slowly walked out of the batcave and into her red camaro. It was too dark to walk home and she wasn't drinking tonight. She didn't trust the Joker when she was sober. What would happen when she's drunk?

She got in the car and she was off.

10 minutes later, she pulled up to the Smile&Grin and shoved some money into her high heel and got out walking to the front door and entering, she chose to ignore the cat calls and wolf whistles

She looked around not seeing the Joker yet, she shrugged and decided to order a drink

"Hey, what're you having?" The bartender asked

Avery peered at the drink board under non-alcoholic and smirked
"I'll have a Screaming Orgasm," she replied to him

"One way or the other beautiful," a raspy voice spoke into her ear. She held in a shiver again. She could actually feel his warm breath fan on the back of her neck.

"Its on me," Joker told the bartender before taking Avery's hand and pulling her to his VIP lounge

"You know gorgeous," he began taking a sip of what looked like Jack Daniels

"You interest me, I like you, so fiery and calm at the same time," he spoke taking another sip

"Hmm, how sweet," she said sarcastically he laughed and her blood warmed

It wasn't the maniacal laugh he sported in front of people, it was a deep rumble from deep within his chest that made him sound normal

Then something irked her, his eyes. His eyes weren't filled with their usual unpredictability and madness, they were calm and normal what was going on?

She sipped her drink and continued looking at him

"You know something else beautiful?" He said staring directly into her blue orbs

"You look nothing like your mom," he said adverting his eyes briefly before they landed on her once more

"What?" She asked perplexed

"Selina, you look nothing like Selina, neither Bruce," he said slowly

"That's because they aren't my parents," she replied in a calm, smooth voice

He nearly choked on his Jack

"If they aren't, then who are?" He asked raising his eyebrows in question

"Wouldn't you like to know," she took a sip smirking

"Your mind is just as confusing as you, you know that, you interest me princess," he said leaning closer to her.

She wasn't going to back down now, she smirked and leaned closer to him. If they got any closer, their lips would touch

"Mr. J," a voice spoke

And just like that, the madness and craziness appeared in Joker's eyes

"What?!" He shouted as Avery leaned back continuing to drink the fruity drink, with an awkward throat clear.

Joker growled and picked up a hammer and advanced on the man, Avery recognized as a villain named Crowe

"Do you have my money Mr. Crowe?" Joker asked hitting his palm with the hammer

The man stood there frozen to the spot looking at Joker, he stammered as he kept his eyes firmly on Joker, his hands gripping the hammer ever so tightly it was caked with a little bit dry blood.

"Time's up, beddy bye!" He cackled slamming the hammer right into the Crowe's left eye and the unmistakable crunching sound of bones being broken and a scream that the entire world could hear making Avery shudder and gasp, trying to make as little noise as possible, Crowe backed up against the wall holding his bloody eye biting his lips hard  it looked like the skin wanted to break.

"Shhhh dear, don't make this more painful than it already is for me" Joker cackled looking at his freshly blood stained hammer

The red contents painted the front of the hammer making it look like a piece of art.

The next few seconds of shattering the man's bones and painting the walls red. Avery just stood there mouth covered just staring in the eyes of his dead victim

Joker reached down and pulled something out of the man’s jacket, which was now soiled in blood, and put it in his own jacket and patted the pocket after grinning from ear to ear.

"So where were we beautiful?" He asked sitting down again and giving Avery a casual smile

She stood abruptly and backed against the entrance of the VIP lounge

"Y-You're sick!" She yelled as his grin fell

"Beautiful, wait, I-" he didn't get to finish as she interrupted him

"Stay away from me!" She shouted at him before she ran out of the room

She completely missed the broken and heartbroken look on his face and the glint of sadness that remained in his eyes

He sat back down and gripped at the ends of his hair, breathing heavily, somehow he knew he screwed up.

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