Smile And Grin?

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Avery sat by her bay window racking her brain as or why she couldn't hurt Joker. She saw innocence in his eyes, something she had not expected. She closed her eyes only for them to snap open as confusing blue eyes danced around in her mind

She gasped as his smile entered her mind. She shook her head and leaned her head against her window shivering as she remembered his touch smoothing over her cheek. His gloved hand causing goosebumps to break out on her skin. She rolled her neck as those haunting blue eyes appeared once again. Then she heard his rough yet sultry voice call her gorgeous. She screamed loudly. AJ wasn't home, he had gone on a date with his girlfriend who Avery still had to meet

She grabbed the ends of her hair and began rocking while she tried to ignore the haunting blue eyes, the beautiful smile, the large scar that decorated the left side of his cheek. Under those baggy purple and green clothes he wore, she knew, she just knew, he was muscled and toned

She remembered his laugh, not the crazed laugh he gave when her brother was around, it was a deep, low rumble of laughter that sounded like it came from his chest.

She screamed again.

Why was she thinking about the clown freak this way?!

She couldn't possibly be falling for that green haired weirdo could she?

She raked her hand through her hair again unintentionally pulling at it

She took out the card he had given her and looked at it, tilting her head

There wasn't a phone number.

There was a name of a place she knew he owned

Smile&Grin Night Club.

She sighed and looked at the moon as she pictured his eyes and smile again.

Little did she know, in the warehouse, Joker was doing the same thing, jostling the stolen batarang around in his fingers unable to keep the smile off of his face.

Her brown hair.
Her blue eyes.
Her smile
Her right hook.

Were the things that kept her on his mind.

He sighed. There was no way he was falling for Batsy's little sister!
But they both knew, no matter how much they denied it, they both were falling for each other whether they liked it or not.

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