He's Dying

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By the time Avery and Jon got to Krypton, John and Nicole had gotten away, losing their kingdom in the process

Avery pushed the door of the hospital open, running inside, Joker's purple leather jacket hanging on her shoulders while Joker ran behind, his purple trench coat blowing in an erratic motion.

They were both in a hurry to reach the room.

As they neared it, they realized Nicole was sitting on a near chair, tears in her eyes and a spaced out look in her brown eyes

Avery stooped near her

"Are you okay mom?" She asked, despite her fear of hearing the news she had been expecting

Her mom shook her head grimly and sighed

"Your father, when they captured us, they kept us in separate rooms, I was in a dungeon chained away from light, your father, wasn't so lucky." She explained

Jon, also sensing the news, ducked near Avery and wrapped her tightly in his arms, pressing her against his chest that held a scared heart.

"They tortured him." She continued, pausing to blow her nose

"Who?" Avery interrupted

"The same guys who have captured our kingdom,"

"They kept him strapped on a table, with a gas mask that carried kryptonite vapor, he had no choice but to breathe it in," her mom said closing her eyes as a few tears ran down her cheeks

"And now?" Avery whimpered causing Jon to press her closer to him

Nicole took a deep breath, exhaling slowly

"Now," she began

"He's dying." She finished, getting up and running out of the waiting room

Jon's jaw hit the floor and as he felt Avery go limp in his arms before her body started racking in sobs, he forced himself to be okay, because he knew she couldn't be.

He ran his hands over her hair and rubbed her back whispering into her ear that everything would be alright

But deep down in his heart, he wasn't sure how true what he told her was, and that scared the Joker. For the first time, The Joker, the baddest criminal in Gotham, the most wanted man in the planet, the clown prince of crime, was unsure of himself.

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