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Avery just couldn't take joker right there and then, she radiated anger.

She huffed and puffed feeling a little bit of blue flames escape from her mouth.

Taking a walk was the only thing hat could've calmed her down, she inwardly battled with herself as she pushed passed people.

A man in a brown suit gave her glare and she gave him the hardest glare she could muster up the guy looked surprise and quickly hurried away.

Only then did she realize that she walked all the way to town that's three freaking miles from her house!

Avery inwardly groaned and started ranting to herself about walking and talking to her own self when she was interrupted by a flash of colours.

Avery looked down  to her arm only to see her tattoo glowing and going haywire again.

This looked familiar to her, it felt familiar to her, this feeling of unpredictability, she didn't like it.

She looked up and her worse fears came to life, in the air floating high above were the fire twins.

The sound of droplets of  rain hitting asphalt was soon heard, some droplets ran down Avery's face as she looked up.

The twins had glowing balls of light   lit up each of them in one of their hands, they gave off wisps of energy as they stood in their commanders hand waiting to be shot at a target.

Avery jumped on the roof of a nearby as soon as a stampede of people came running through the streets obviously scared for their lives at these bundles of joy.
She rolled her eyes at her sarcasm and yelled

"Hey fire twins! Burn in hell!"

Fire ball after fire ball cascaded upon them forcing them to the ground trying dodge and weave through the hail of blue fire balls from above.

Abery absolutely loved that trick her mom had shown her.

They were grounded and she jumped off the roof making sure her entire arm was engulfed in flames as she jumped off the roof to create a shockwave of heat as she landed forcing both of them to their knees. Avery stood and smirked

"What's wrong? I thought you were stronger than this?"

She teased them giving them a fake sad tone

Avery laughed and made a chain whip of fire and wrapped it around both of them grinning triumphantly.

But as she said before all good things must come to an end and that happens frequently with Avery.

Before she knew it a burly body tackled her causing her to stagger backwards only to be tripped and grounded.

Avery stunned at this looks up to see a dark haired boy laying her gently on the floor before back flipping away and appearing next to the twins.

Avery wasn't focusing as much on the fiery bonds and they soon dissipated.

Avery was again tackled but by a green energized humanoid storm thingy.

Rapid punches were thrown all over her and a kick to the back welcomed more of that sweet sweet pain.

Dark spots danced around her eyes for the umpteenth time as she slowly slipped away from consciousness.

But before she could she felt a man picking her up and being held firmly against a chest.

The smell of mint and nicotine soon invaded her nostrils. She also felt something else on her face besides water now.

It wasn't long till she was separated from the strong, protecting arms and was dropped onto the cold hard ground.

Avery opened her eyes a little to see AJ and the fire twins fighting.

But with one last attempt, she willed herself to get up and take out a batarang.

It was soon alight with blue fire aimed it at one of the fire twins and threw it.

As soon as the batarang left her arm she felt like her consciousness went with it because she was soon laying wet on the cold asphalt.

Before her eyes closed, she raised her fingers to her lips.


But it wasn't blood, it was recognized as the familiar face paint of the man of her dreams. She smiled contentedly and distinctly felt arms wrap around her back and behind her knees before she was hoisted up.

She didn't know who this person was, but she felt safe and allowed herself to fall into the soothing darkness.

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