I'll Always Be Here For You

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Avery sighed as she pushed open the door of her home in Gotham.

She had heard from Randy that AJ had moved in with Penelope and that made her hurt inside

She started unpacking and went to the hallway closet to put her suitcase when she passed AJ's room. She opened the door and she instantly knew AJ wasn't here, the room was clean, something that never happened.

She sat on his bed and looked around the room. Her eyes scanned on the many pictures of himself on the wall before landing on the picture on the bedside table

 Her eyes scanned on the many pictures of himself on the wall before landing on the picture on the bedside table

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It was her!

She slowly picked up the picture seeing an envelope with her name sticking out on the back of the frame, written in AJ's handwriting.

She took a shaky breath and opened the envelope pulling out the piece of paper

Dear Avery,

By the time you're reading this, I'm already by Penny's place, I did not move out because of you. Penny and I have been planning this for awhile. I just decided to tell you everything that I haven't said. You have been the most amazing sister in the world, we've made amazing memories that I'll treasure for the rest of my life.

This is so hard for me to write. You know how hard it is saying goodbye to your best friend? It's heart wrenching. I don't know how long I'll be away, after 4 years of being together, Penelope and I have decided to tie the knot. I should explain why I've kept our relationship a secret. I don't know why I'm angry at Nicole and John. Penny and I are in the same boat.

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