Suspicious Much?

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Avery had just woken up to see AJ wearing an apron and gloves and cleaning her room, since she couldn't be bothered to, she smiled slowly and let her head fall back and rested her hand on her stomach

"What's this?" She heard him say, she cracked open one eye only for them both snap open when she saw what he was holding

Joker's playing card.

She looked at his expression and sighed at his raised eyebrow

"Did you go?" He asked simply

"No." She lied smoothly he nodded to her

"Good, I don't want you falling in love with a criminal," he spoke she nodded

"He's bad news Aves," AJ spoke throwing the card out the window of her bedroom

Her eyes widened but she corrected herself as AJ glanced at her. She forced a smirk

"Suspicious much?" She asked making him grin

"Stay away from him m'kay?" He spoke she nodded

"Good girl," he replied walking out. As soon as the door closed, she dived through the window to get the card

She was relieved to see it was still intact.

Joker sighed as he took in the surroundings of his night club.

He grinned as someone ordered a screaming orgasm then as soon as his grin came, it left again. He felt like an asshole. He took up his gun and spun it around in his hand then he abruptly dropped it for the batarang he had become so fond of and looked at it. The feeling in the pit of his heart worsened

He sighed

"Boss," Rocco interrupted him

"The client Rico is here," he informed, Joker just made a sign with his hand and Rico came in the room, Joker raised his hand with the laughing mouth tattoo in front his mouth

"How are you Mr. Rico?" Joker asked

"F-fine," he said placing a wad of cash on the table

Joker grinned and picked it up checking all of them and then he frowned

"Where's the rest of the money?" He asked Rico

Rico shuddered

"I-I," he began but the sound of a gun cocking stopped his explanation. He raised his hands in surrender and whimpered

The Joker smirked about to release the trigger but a rush of what happened in this very room zoomed past his eyes. He didn't see this frightened man, nope, he saw Avery looking at him disturbed and disgusted and he sighed and lowered the gun

"Next week, I want the rest, get out before I change my mind," he spoke dropping in his chair and tugging at his green hair and dropped his head on the table, welcoming the dull ache that happened right after

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