You're Wrong

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Jon stared at Avery, he had never seen her so nervous and unsure and this was strange for him

"Avery," he said carefully

Her head snapped to him

"Are you okay?" He asked again

She shook her head negatively

"My dad is dying and I can't do anything about it, I've never felt so vulnerable in my life. And knowing that he may never wake up again, scares my soul, I can't be without my dad Jon," she explained

"He'll make it, he's a soldier for a reason love," Jon replied

"Jon, this isn't a situation where you can do something and dad'll wake up. That only works with crazy people and freaks," she said without thinking

But when she saw Jon trace his scar, she slapped her hand over her mouth

"Jon, I'm-"

"It's okay, you didn't mean it, you're just worried, its okay, I understand," he cut her off

There was approximately 3 minutes of absolute silence before,

"You're wrong." Jon said boldly

She looked at him

"Okay yeah, maybe you can't do anything to save his life, but you can be there for your mom, how'd you think she feels? The love of her life could be on his death bed, she's taking this harder than you are." Jon told her

And that's when she heard her mom's voice again

"Krypton's Kingdom."

She gasped

"Tell AJ stay with mom, I have bigger fish to fry." She said going to her closet

Jon obeyed, but he couldn't help wonder what Avery's crazy ass was gonna do

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