The Fight

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Jon walked through the door of their bedroom and gently lay a sleeping Avery in the soft duvet.

Hearing her sweet, soft breathing, he had planned something very special for Avery on her return to him.

He couldn't be happier as his phone rang, he quickly answered to avoid disturbing Sleeping Beauty

"Is it all in order?" He asked as soon as he answered

"Good, I'll meet you at the back of my warehouse tomorrow night, remember you're my little surprise," he spoke smirking as the other man laughed through the phone.

As he hung up, he realized the room had gotten intensely hot.

He turned around seeing Avery glowering with anger. She looked ready to bite his head off.

It was then he had realized she heard his conversation and he had made it sound like he was speaking to one of those Gotham Sluts

"Avery-" Joker began

"If you didn't really want me, you could've just said so, you didn't have to go behind my back and stab it after," she said pulling on the first jacket she could find, which happened to be Jon's purple, leather jacket.

Jon couldn't say Avery's words didn't hurt him cuz they hurt him alot

"How can you say that?" He asked

"Once a cheater, always a cheater," she said simply beginning to walk out the door

Joker acted fast and grabbed her hands

"Baby, I love you, you hafta know that," he begged

She looked at him angrily

"So when you love someone, you hurt them, backstab them, break their trust and their heart?" She asked trying so hard not to cry

At this point, there was nothing holding Jon back from crying his eyes out. But he couldn't. He needed to be strong.

"That's not true, I swear, I can explain," he began

But Avery wasn't having none of it, she just immediately stormed out the room

Jon struggling to tie the laces of his combat boots while chasing after the love of his life.

He wasn't gonna lose her a second time.

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