I Should Probably Get Going

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Avery opened her eyes letting light meet her retinas

She sat up and looked around. Her eyes slowly widened.

This wasn't her room!

She immediately shot off the bed,  clutching the warm, soft leather to her skin. She calmed down when the smell invaded her nostrils. She smiled to herself

Whether we're together or apart, me and you? We're always connected at the heart.

She let that thought relax her tensed muscles.

Truth be told, ever since she was kidnapped by Riddler, she had been on edge about a lot of things lately.

And being in a strange room after being knocked out, she was edgy, more so now.

A hand clamped on her shoulder and she screeched flipping the person over her shoulder

Randy's eyes dazed as he looked up at her

"Oh no, Rands, I'm so sorry," she said apologizing, and helping him to his feet

He simply smiled at her.

If there was anyone who truly knew Avery, it was her best friend Randy Orton.

Since she was already at his place, they decided to spend the day together

They played laser tag, went on a picnic then swimming, they spoke long talks and now were watching the stars on the hood of Randy's Bugatti.

One star twinkled brightly and Avery began quietly humming the tune from lion king

Randy chuckled before he sat up, Avery following in confusion

"I missed you, I feel like I don't see you as often now," Randy revealed dragging his fingers on the hood of the car

Avery brought his face to meet hers

"You'll always be my best friend, always," she whispered soothingly

She didn't know how they were slowly gravitating toward each other but she only felt the drop when their lips met in the middle

It lasted roughly 3 minutes before hurt blue eyes flashed in Avery's mind and she immediately pulled away and then, they just stared at each other

Avery coughed awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck, a habit she picked up from Jon

"I'm sorry, it was the heat of the momen-" Randy began but Avery simply shook her head

"Its my fault, I led you on, I'm sorry, but, I should probably get going," she said hopping off the car and running in the direction of Joker's warehouse, she needed to tell him.

As she turned the corner the weight of the situation hit her hard

What have I done?

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