Helping Hands

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After a few seconds of Avery standing there and the fireball twins (she decided to call them that) being paralyzed in shock, she took that time to recover a little bit.

That was when the adrenaline kicked in, even though her head was still pounding and her other powers are somehow locked, in all the odds she was facing, she still smirked in her opponents direction.

Avery's hand came to life in a searing hot fiery blaze lighting up the now dark sky with white hot flames. The twins again flew straight to her this time staying a good distance away from her radar.

"Cautious fucks," she smirked

Avery stomped her foot in their direction and after, was pure bliss to her, where she stomped came a crack and a fissure beneath the twins feet, a blast of blue flames burst out of it propelling the sisters sky high.

In a flash, Avery ran and round house kicked the raven-haired freak into a truck and then grabbed the red haired one by the hair and threw her into a tree breaking the trunk of the few from the brutal force.

Avery smirked triumphantly dusting her jacket when a fist connected to hear jaw sending her towards the stars

A heeled boot connected with Avery's stomach forcing her to go down at tremendous speed. She was then kicked in the upper back sending her to the left and then kicked on her chest sending her to the right all this happening in blurry speed.

Finally gravity pulled Avery to the earth but that wasn't all good. She was falling.

She felt her body on fire, she didn't really get burnt but the pain was excruciating.

After hitting the road she felt the road gave in to the tremendous force and a massive crater was formed.

Before she could even die, two hands were around her helping her up. She could see a boy that looked of 16 carrying her she dare glanced behind her and saw a black haired boy fighting the twins with such grace. But, she couldn't last another fight, trying to stay conscious it was already painful with the head ache.

She just gave up and let the darkness cloud her eyes hopefully giving her eternal sleep she thought to herself.

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