Warning Gone Wrong

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Sighing, as he looked through his files, a sudden burst through the ceiling interrupted Joker.

"Batsy, if you're here to play, I'm very busy," Joker said looking back at his notes until a black gloved hand swept every thing off the table onto the floor. Upon seeing this, Joker growled. And calmly folded his arms on his desk

"I came to give you a warning clown-boy," said Batman making Joker grit his teeth

"I know your playing games with my sister, I want it to stop, she shouldn't be wasting her time with the likes of scum like you," Batman said, completely missing the way Joker's eyes flashed with hurt, before being covered up by insanity once more

Then he forcedly cackled

"Batsy, Batsy, Batsy, let's not focus on me and my beautiful, huh, let's focus on the secret you've been keeping from her for 4 years yeah, the secret that will ruin your entire relationship," Joker said spinning like a hyperactive kid in his chair

Batman grew frightened at the Joker's words

"You don't know what your talking about!" He hissed insistently at Joker, but the Joker only cackled with joy

"Oh, don't I?" Joker said showing a picture to the Dark Knight

Batman closed his eyes briefly before he opened it

"You will not speak about this to Avery," Batman said pointing at Joker

"Get that finger out of my face before you lose it, I am not scared of you Flying Rodent, I will see your sister no matter what, I don't hear her complaining about my company, now, I'm a busy man, so if you kindly,"  Joker said pointing towards the hole Batman created, smirking as Batman reddened with anger

"This isn't over Joker!" Batman said shooting his grappling hook towards the hole he bursted from

"Oh I think it just about is Batsy," Joker cackled waving as Batman propelled into the sky

Joker picked up his pen and picked up the file he was working on, and sitting down at his desk and starting to write, only for his eyes to look up away from his file, and sighed pelting his pen against the file.

He picked up his pack of malbaro cigarettes and walked outside to his lanai and sat on his bannister and lit a cigarette and inhaled all the toxins.

He pulled it away from his lips and puffed the smoke through his nose and sighed

Avery was sat on the bay window, literally on, she just got off the phone with her daddy and she was now just thinking, she brought her coffee to her lips and sighed.

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