I'm Back

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Avery sulkily sat at her kitchen table drinking her coffee when the front door banged against the wall, startling her.

"Honey, I'm home!" A very familiar voice called

Upon hearing it, Avery jumped off her stool and onto the person that had walked in. He chuckled and twirled her in his arms

"I'm back." He murmured kissing her hair

"Oh my god, AJ, I missed you so much!" She yelled clutching to his plaid shirt

"I missed you too Aves," he replied to her

"We have some serious shit to catch up on," AJ said dragging Avery to her bedroom

They both sat down and talked about everything that had happened since AJ left.

After Avery finished her story in tears, AJ couldn't top it. He just hugged her and falsely promised everything would be okay.

But she knew, it could only get worse from here...was she right?

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