The Questioning

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Avery never saw AJ this morning but she did see her camaro pull into the driveway

"What up?" She asked as he walked in the room

She didn't realize how livid he looked until she turned around. He put down the groceries and flung a newspaper on the kitchen counter where she sat eating breakfast.

Her eyes scanned it and she stopped mid-chew as she read the headline

Dark Princess and Joker? Batman oblivious?

And under it, the picture of them kissing in the alleyway

She risked a look at AJ. He had his hands on his hips

"What the fuck is this shit?!" He began

Avery sighed and continued chewing

"Avery, I'm talking to you,"  he reprimanded

Avery didn't respond.

"Avery Noelle Jones-Cena fucking answer me right now or so help m-" he didn't get to finish

Avery threw down her spoon and looked up at AJ

"Allen, I don't fucking know, I would answer you if I knew the answer," she replied raking her hand through her hair

"You don't know the answer? You think I believe that shit, then you must think I'm a real fool," he berated

"I've had about enough of this," she told him but she made no move to get up

"You've had enough? Why can't you just like Cap?" He said pacing

"And what is it about that clown freak makes you like him in the first place? He's anything but appealing!" He complained pacing the length of the kitchen

"First, Rands is my best friend nothing more and second, why do I like Joker? You want an honest answer?" She asked folding her arms on the counter's surface

"I would appreciate it," he snarkily replied making her roll her eyes

But she didn't even have to think about her answer, she knew exactly why she liked him

"His eyes." She said smiling fondly

AJ stopped and looked at her crazily. Not like she noticed anyway.

"He looks at everyone so crazily, like he's crazy," she began

"Cuz he is," AJ interrupted

Again. Not like she noticed.

"And when he's around me, his eyes look so...calm, so casual you know, like he's comfortable showing me another side," she said leaning on her palm while smiling

"What the fuck ever, I don't want you near him, you hear?" He asked pointing at her

She saluted with her fingers crossed behind her back.

"Good girl," he said going into his bedroom

She rolled her eyes. She actually liked Joker, and if AJ thought she'd stop seeing him, maybe he really was a fool.


The Joker sat at his dining table with Renee and Paige again, making out, but he didn't notice, again he found himself twirling the batarang between his fingers with a fond smile on his face

"J? What's with you lately?" Renee asked putting her hand on his, he violently pulled away

"You seem to be oddly infatuated with Annabelle's batarang," Paige said putting some lamb into her mouth

"Her name is Avery," he hissed at Paige, making her put her arms up in surrender

He traced over where her name was engraved on the batarang

"He's in love," they said in unison
Joker smiled and rolled his eyes.

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